22: A Gift From Him

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Arjun walked on the streets of Indraprasth, disguised as a commoner

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Arjun walked on the streets of Indraprasth, disguised as a commoner. Krishnaa had voiced her concern regarding not having an appropriate attire for the evening. He wanted today to be special and didn't want her to worry. He wanted her to look the best. She is the future yurani, after all. He had been searching for hours in many shops, but didn't find anything.

There were so many options. Lehenga or sari? He didn't know whether she would like something plain or embroidered, light or heavy? There were colors and each color had countless shades. He had never been this confused. He should have brought Nakul along. He would atleast know what a woman would like.

He sighed and entered a random clothing shop and asked the shopkeeper to show him the best clothes. The shopkeeper showed him countless clothes, but he didn't like any of them. He was about to leave the shop in dismay, when his eyes fell on a lehenga.

It was pink in color, but not too bright. Not too light, not too heavy. It was embroidered, but not gaudy. It had a thick border and a matching odhni. It was simple yet beautiful and elegant. He stared at it, mesmerized, imagining his Krishnaa in it. She would look gorgeous. He could not wait to see her in it. He asked the shopkeeper for it. He looked shocked, but quoted the price. It was quite expensive, for a commoner at least. Arjun, however, bought the clothes and left.


Krishnaa was stressed. It was already noon and she had no idea what to wear. She should have been ready by now, but neither had she been able to complete her household chores, nor select her clothes.

She went through her trunk one last time. She had minimum outfits. They were all too plain to wear while meeting a royal family. Half of her clothes were stained by forest mud and other half was what she wore while doing housework and cleaning.

"Krishnaa. You aren't ready yet?", her brother asked. She sighed. "No Bhrata, I can't find anything suitable to wear", she said in dismay.
"Don't worry. There is still some time left. Let's go and buy something. "
"No Bhrata ", she stated firmly. "We are already struggling to meet all basic expenses. We aren't spending money on clothes."

Her eyes fell on a blue lehenga that she wore to Panchal. She held it to her body and looked at the mirror. It wasn't good enough, but the best she had. She sighed. "I will wear this", she said, finally settling down on something. She was about to go and get dressed, when she heard a knock on the door. A man was standing at the door, holding a box.

"Devi, are you Krishnaa? Rajkumar Arjun has sent this for you". Krishnaa nodded and asked requested him to place the box in her room. Once he left, she opened the box to find a beautiful, pink lehenga. She held it to herself and looked her reflection in the mirror.

"It's beautiful ", Drishtdyumn commented. Krishnaa nodded and looked inside the box again. Parth had sent an outfit for Drishtdyumn as well. He smiled happily and went to get dressed. Krishnaa wore the lehenga and the jewelry as Parth had suggested. She looked at the mirror one last time and gasped.

She looked mesmerizing. The lehenga complemented her dusky skin and made her brown eyes stand out. The jewelry went well with the clothes. She was pleasantly surprised. Parth definitely did have a very good dressing sense. Her brother also looked very good in his attire.

"Come on ", he said. "The chariot is waiting. They sat in the chariot and left for Indraprasth.


The gates of Indraprasth opened and they entered the grand city. She saw her brother looking around in awe. She smiled. She had the exact same reaction when she had visited the first time.
"You are really lucky", he said. "You are going to be the Yurani of this place." Krishnaa smiled.

She felt a little nervous to meet the royal family, even Parth. She now realized why he never told her about being a rajkumar. She had known him for over a year now and still felt intimidated by his status. She couldn't imagine the intimidation that she would have felt, if she knew it from the start.

She stared straight ahead as the chariot passed through the palace gates.

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Krishnaa~The Princess In Making ✔(To Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now