23: Royalty

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Krishnaa and Drishtdyumn climbed up the steps and saw Parth's family waiting for them

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Krishnaa and Drishtdyumn climbed up the steps and saw Parth's family waiting for them. She looked at Parth. He was wearing his royal attire along with a mukut. He looked even more attractive in his regal avatar. The charm, the aura.......she couldn't help but swoon. He winked at her and she blushed. Drishtdyumn noticed this and nudged her, making her blush more. The Maharani welcomed them and led them inside.

Kunti had been both skeptical and eager to meet Krishnaa. Skeptical, since she was a commoner, an outcast. But eager, as she wanted to meet the woman whom her son had praised so much. Arjun had described her beauty, determination and charm. She had a lot of expectations and she had not been disappointed. On the contrary, she was surprised.

She couldn't deny it. Krishnaa was indeed beautiful, more then anything she could imagine. She had a unique charm and a very powerful aura. She was graceful, well mannered and well groomed, it was difficult for her to believe that Krishnaa wasn't born with any blue blood.
She could see why Arjun fell for her. It was impossible not to be impressed by her.

Krishnaa was led inside by Maharani Kunti, who made a small conversation with her about their family. "Mata", Parth said. "I will be here with her. Pitashree is calling you". She nodded and left them alone.
"So", Parth started.
"So?", she continued.
"Well, someone has been blushing a lot today ", Parth teased her.

"Did Maharaj really call Maharani?", Krishnaa asked, trying to change the topic.
"No", he replied and stepped closer. "Now, don't try and change the topic". She blushed again.

"Bhrata", a voice called, causing Parth to groan.
"Nakul, what are you doing here?"
"Oh nothing Bhrata. I just wanted to meet bhabhi." Parth groaned again. Nakul turned to face her. "Bhabhi, I am Nakul. I have been wanting to meet you. You know, bhrata has told me a lot about you. He said........"

Parth covered Nakul's mouth with his hand. "Nothing. I told him nothing ".
Nakul managed to move Parth's hand from his mouth. "But you said that she is so beau......"
Before Nakul could finish his sentence, Parth grabbed her had, hastily walking away from him.

"That was rude. You should have let him finish. I want to know what you said about me", she teased.
"There is no need for that, I didn't say anything about you", Parth argued, not meeting her eyes. "Come on, it is time for dinner."
"Now, you don't change the topic".
Krishnaa laughed as Parth rolled his eyes.

Krishnaa sat down for dinner alone with the others. She stared at her plate, not sure what to start with. There were so many varieties of food.
She had never even seen so many dishes at once, forget eating it all at once. She didn't even know the name of some.
However, she tried not to look desperate and ate slowly, remembering the etiquette her mother had taught her.

Over dinner, they had a lighthearted conversation and soon Krishnaa was comfortable with them. Drishtdyumn too, had bonded well with the five rajkumars.
"How did you and Arjun meet?", Maharaj Pandu asked her, curiously.
Krishnaa looked at Parth, who was embarrassed. She gave him a mischievous look and turned back to Pandu, narrating the incident.

Parth's brothers teased him, making him feel even more embarrassed. "Who knew that a rajkumar, such a valiant warrior, would get himself trapped in this manner", Bheem said and everyone laughed.

After dinner, Maharani Kunti and Krishnaa were sitting in her room. They had formed a good bond. Maharani had asked her several questions regarding her childhood and upbringing. It was a sensitive topic for Krishnaa, but she told her everything.

Kunti felt pity but was also impressed by how well she handled everything. Soon thier conversation went to Parth. Kunti told her stories of his childhood.

"By the way, Parth had dissapeared somewhere for a few days, was he with you?", Kunti asked, narrowing her eyes.

Krishnaa's breath hitched in her throat. She didn't want to lie to Kunti. She was about to reply, when she remembered what Parth had told her. They cannot tell anyone the truth.
"Uh, Parth had told me that he was a trader and said that he had to go to another kingdom for trade", Krishnaa lied.

"This boy. Doesn't tell anything. Anyways I have an important matter to attend to. Go and ask Arjun to show you around", Kunti instructed. Krishnaa nodded and left her room to search for Parth.

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Krishnaa~The Princess In Making ✔(To Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now