14: Disturbed

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The entire day had passed uneventfully

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The entire day had passed uneventfully. Krishnaa had basically avoided any conversation.
She didn't feel like talking today. She felt distracted. Seeing the state of the people was difficult for her.
Everything that had happened to Uma, it reminded her of her past. It was late at night but Krishnaa just didn't feel sleepy. She sat upright, staring into the darkness, just thinking.

She heard footsteps and looked up to see Parth entering her room.
He was no longer in disguise and wore his normal clothes.
He sat beside her and looked at her, concerned. He took her hands in his. "What happened?", he asked, softly. "And don't say it's nothing. I know it isn't".

Krishnaa shook her head. "It's just that, I can't imagine a life like that. Having nothing worth living for."
"She reminded you of yourself, right?", he rightly pointed out.
Krishnaa nodded."But I still have Bhrata Drishtdyumn, Kanha and you. I still have my freedom. But she has nothing and no one."
Parth embraced her. She buried her head in the crook of his neck.

"You know why she wanted us to come with her?"
"Because she is lonely", Parth answered softly.
"Not just that. She has no family. No children to look after. If she did, they would have been around our age".

Parth took a deep breath. He kissed her forehead multiple times. "I know. And that's why we are here. Once we find out who is behind all this, we will be able to stop him and everything will be fine then. That's the only thing we can do right now".

Krishnaa nodded and laid down on the bed, closing her eyes. Parth gently kept on patting her head and before she knew it, she was asleep.


Krishnaa woke up late the next day, but still felt tired. She got out of her bed, had a bath and went to the kitchen. Uma sat by the stove, stirring something. "Mata, do you need any help?", Krishnaa asked, sweetly.

Uma turned around and smiled. "No putri, I am almost done", she replied. "Come sit." She patted the spot next to her. "Did you sleep well?", Uma asked, caressing her face with motherly affection. Krishnaa bit her lip and nodded.
"Where is Brihannala?", she asked, realizing that Parth was nowhere around.
"She has gone to fetch water. She will be back soon", Uma answered.

They sat in silence for some time. "Are you alright putri? You have been extremely quiet. "
"Mata, have you ever been outside Panchal?", Krishnaa asked curiously.
"Such a question, and that too all of a sudden?"
Krishnaa regretted asking. "Um I was just wondering......"
Uma smiled sweetly. "No dear I have not".
"Don't you ever feel like leaving?"
"Where will I go if I leave. I don't have any relatives anywhere."
"But things don't seem to get any better here."

Uma shook her head. "Maybe not now. But they will one day. When our rajkumari arrives and takes her rightful place, they will." Krishnaa sat up straighter, feeling interested.
"So you believe in the prophecy? You think that the rajkumari will save Panchal?"
"Of course I do. In fact, everyone in Kampilya does. Remember, the rajkumari is our only hope. We cannot afford to lose that".

Arjun and Krishnaa were in a field, a little away from the crowded city. They were laying down, watching the sun set. Krishnaa was initially not ready to get out of the house, but Arjun had forced her. "It is beautiful, right", he commented. "Hm", Krishnaa responded and cuddled to his side, closing her eyes. His arm, involuntarily went around her back, pulling her closer.

"Feeling better?", he asked, playing with her fingers. She nodded. "Thank you", she said.
"No need to thank me", he replied, tucking her head under his chin. This was the first time, he had seen this side of hers. He had seen her being happy, carefree, playful and even angry but never this emotional and sympathetic. He found this side of hers very endearing.

The calm and peace didn't last long though. Loud, violent noises were coming from the city, breaking the silnce.
They sat up, the horrible scene unfolding in front of their eyes.
They both got up and ran towards the city, Arjun struggling to keep up with her in the lehenga.
He reached Krishnaa who was standing still and shocked, staring at the scene in front of her.

The soldiers were torturing the innocent again. No one knew what had enraged the king this time. The whole place was chaotic.
Arjun saw Krishnaa staring at something with a panicked expression. He followed her gaze. A soldier had his arm raised, holding a whip, ready to hit an old man.

Before Arjun could comprehend what was happening, Krishnaa ran off towards them and just as the soldier brought his hand down, she threw herself in between the two of them, the whip hitting her back with immense force.

Before Arjun could comprehend what was happening, Krishnaa ran off towards them and just as the soldier brought his hand down, she threw herself in between the two of them, the whip hitting her back with immense force

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Krishnaa~The Princess In Making ✔(To Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now