35: Return

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It had been three days since the news of the attack came

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It had been three days since the news of the attack came. Krishnaa had spent almost all her free time at the temple, praying for her Parth but he didn't return yet. She had started feeling uneasy.

Today, Krishnaa hadn't left the temple. Praying to the lord endlessly and tirelessly. There was no news from Malva the whole day, and as each moment passed, her worries kept increasing and her hopes were starting to fade away.

Her brother had come there some hours back, to talk to her and to convince her to return home and eat something, but she had refused. She didn't want anything. She wouldn't leave the temple until she received any news about Parth.

Tears had started streaming down her face. It was sunset already and yet no news of Parth. Not even a letter stating that he is alive. She had lost all her hopes, when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She frowned. Who could it be? She had clearly told everyone that she wished to be alone. She saw a man's hand in the periphery of her vision. She turned her head and looked up to see what her heart had been wishing for.

Parth was looking down at her lovingly with a smile on his face.
"Parth!", Krishnaa exclaimed and pulled him in her arms. "Where were you? Do you even know how worried I have been? I thought something happened to you".

Parth continued to smile. "How can anything bad happen to me when you are here, praying for me?"
He held her tightly in his arms and kissed the side of her head.

"How was there no message about your return?", Krishnaa questioned.
"I did send a letter, but I told them not to tell you."
"And why is that? You could have atleast let them tell me that you are fine."
"Sorry", he whispered. Krishnaa gave him an angry look but melted at his pout.
"Fine, you are forgiven", she groaned before hugging him again. It has been so long since she saw him and now since he is here, she craved him.

"There was no grand welcome for you though", she pointed out.
"The happy look on your face is the greatest welcome for me. I wanted to surprise you", he said. She smiled at his flirty behavior.

"Tell me about Malva", she demanded.
"Well, to begin with, it is beautiful and there is so much to do......." he went on and on.
"What about the alliance?", she asked eagerly.
"Done. They accepted it", Parth replied.
Krishnaa's happiness knew no bounds.
"I knew it! I knew you would be able to do this. I am so proud of you".

Parth looked pleased at her words. They sat in silence before Krishnaa asked him more questions.
"What had happened at Malva?"

Parth told her everything. "Gandhar Raj Shakuni attacked Malva."
Krishnaa frowned. "Was there any enmity between them before?", she asked.
Arjun shook his head. "There wasn't. And that is what I don't understand. What was the reason for this attack."

"Could it be something political? Maybe Gandhar Raj wanted to extend his reach to this region", Krishnaa suggested.
"Maybe. But it is unlikely. He is Duryodhan's mama. He already has connections around here."
"But it is still a possibility", Krishnaa continued. "Here we were expecting Indraprasth too be suddenly attacked and it was Malva instead."

Parth nodded. They both were realizing the gravity of the situation. If it wasn't for Arjun, who knows what would have happened to Malva. The matter is getting more and more complicated.
"Anyways, what happened next?", Krishnaa asked, trying to change the topic.
Parth proceeded to narrate the events of that day. How Maharaj Chetan had wanted him to marry his daughter, the rejection, the alliance almost not happening, the attack and how he had saved Malva.

"You did a great job, I am so proud of you", she confessed and hugged him.
Parth kissed her forehead.
"All that aside, I heard that someone hasn't eaten a single morsel today", he said.

Krishnaa looked up at him, guilty.
"Why?", he asked softly. "You know skipping meals is not good for health".
Krishnaa sighed.
"How am I supposed to eat when you were in danger. I didn't know if you were alright or not. You know how much I love you.....I didn't feel hungry ", she finished.

"Yes, I know how much you love me. You don't need to starve yourself to prove that", he chuckled. "Now, eat".

He pushed the container towards her.
"What is it?", she asked.
"Kheer. Mata made it for you", he replied.
Krishnaa smiled like an excited child before uncovering the container and eating the kheer.

"How is it?", Parth asked, looking at her fondly.
"Delicious", she replied. "Why don't you have some?", she offered him. Parth smiled and they both ate together.

"By the way", Parth started. "Mata was saying that we must start the wedding preparation."
Krishnaa nodded. "I had been thinking of the same thing".
"Mata has also called a Pandit and an astrologer to fix an auspicious date", Parth told her. "They are coming tomorrow and Mata wants you and Drishtdyumn to be present there as well."
Krishnaa nodded. "We will be there".

They both spent the evening, talking about the most random things in the world and joking around, having lighthearted conversations.

They both spent the evening, talking about the most random things in the world and joking around, having lighthearted conversations

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Krishnaa~The Princess In Making ✔(To Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now