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"Ready to go?" I asked Clarke as she came out from the drop ship, some type of bottle in hand.

"One more stop." I nodded before following Clarke, Wells soon joining in.

"What the hell was it?" You have got to be kidding me. And Clarke just continued to walk in his direction.

"It was some sort of serpent, at least that's what Atlys had."

"You could have been killed. And Atlys? Who-" the fake guard was cut off by the three of us reaching him and Octavia.

"She would have been if Jasper hadn't pulled her to shore and P-" I gave her a nudge to make her stop talking.

"You guys leaving? I'm coming too." Octavia pulled the tourniquet tighter and tried to stand up only for the fake guard to stop her.

"No way, not again." He pushed her gently back down.

"He's right. Your leg's just gonna slow us down." I didn't know where Clarke was going with all of this but I knew I wasn't going to like it when she turned to face the fake guard.

"I'm here for you."

"Great." I whispered to Wells who nodded in agreement.

"Clarke, what are you doing?" Wells read my mind.

"I hear you have a gun." If she wanted a damn gun I had it covered. She should have just said something.

The fake didn't answer, only pulled the hem of his shirt slightly up to display the firearm. I scoffed as he dropped the shirt, his gaze flickering to me as his jaw clenched.

"Good, follow me." And the power struggle continues.

"Clarke, I'm going to start walking." I whispered before heading forward into the woods and away from the conversation.

"They're dangerous criminals." I waited for Wells and Clarke to catch up to me.

"Oh she's counting on it." I sent a small glare her way. "If you needed a weapon I am right here." I partly joked trying to lighten up the atmosphere. She gave a small chuckle when she saw my dagger in my right hand at the ready.

"I should have just asked you with your vigorous training that made so much noise in the box." She gave me a nudge as we slowly began to separate from Wells by a few feet and the other two sets of footfalls by a lot.

"Once they think the princess is too, they'll never come down." I turned my head to look at the entourage stomping around behind us.

"Great, the Fake and Murphy." I grumbled lowly as we trudged through the forest.


"Hey, hold up." We hadn't even had a few moments of silence and he just had to interrupt it.

"What's the rush?" And he was brandishing the firearm. Perfect. I flipped the dagger in my hand and walked to the other side of Clarke blocking her from Fake. "You don't survive a spear to the heart."

"Put the gun away, Bellamy." I liked Fake better, made him seem more villainous. While the name Bellamy implies beauty through the French word Bella, it couldn't be denied he was an ass with only a decent view to look at and a horrid one inside. He probably had cobwebs.

"Why don't you do something about it?" Murphy gave Wells as shove

"Jasper screamed when they moved him. If the spear struck his heart he would have died instantly." To think I almost forgot her mom was a doctor. "It doesn't mean we have time to waste." Clarke and I both turned to begin walking when Bellamy grabbed her wrist.

"As soon as you take this wristband of-" I didn't let him finish as I had already turned around to reach Clarke. I flipped the dagger for effect before driving the hilt down onto his wrist and shoving his hand away as he unclamped it from around her.

"The only way the Ark is going to think I'm dead is if I'm dead. Got it?" Clarke got closer to him but still far enough away as I monitored their interaction. I could tell Bellamy had something to say to me but Clarke was his priority.

"Brave Princess. With her little Shadow by her side." He turned his head towards me with a small smirk.

"Why don't you find your own nickname." Great, just when I thought the party could get even more annoying.

"You call this a rescue party, you got to split up. Cover more ground." Finn walked over to stand next to me and locked at Clarke. "Clarke, come with me." She shot me a worried look which I rolled my eyes to and motioned for her to go. I could handle my own after all, that's what I do.

"Hey Shadow, your person is leaving you." Murphy taunted from where he stood in front of Wells. I rose a brow and scoffed at the kid. Oh I really can't wait to get in a fight with him. I walked over to Wells and motioned him to follow as we took off in a slightly different direction then Clarke and Finn.

"You don't talk much do you?" Bellamy asked as he jogged to catch up to my side.

"Wells, please kindly inform them that I only talk to people who are worth my time of day." It came out way more privileged and snarky then I intended, but I didn't care.

"Holy shit!" I spun around to see Murphy had stopped walking and was staring at me with wide eyes.

"You're Songbird." He whispered, his voice held awe and regret before wiping it away when Bellamy looked at him. "You're the mystery girl who was in solitary. You would tell a story or si-" I made fast steps to approach him, my dagger at his throat cutting his words off.

"How the hell do you know that?" I growled.

"The vents, after curfew when everything was still in the box. We could hear you. All of us." He whispered. "You gave us hope. And now that you're on the ground with us..." he trailed off as he looked to something behind me.

"Atlys. Let's go. We have to find Jasper remember?" Wells whispered in my ear and pulled lightly on my left shoulder. I paused before pulling the dagger from Murphy's neck and pushing pass both Wells and Bellamy to continue walking.

"Bellamy, if we get her on our side everyone will be on board." I could hear Murphy tell the fake guard.

"What do you mean? What was she in for?"

"No one knows, we don't even actually know her. But she's a symbol of hope, for all of the hundred." Hope. The one thing I had little of. When you were the darkness, light was hard to find

Wells was staring at me even if he would look away fast to not get caught, I knew he was.

"Go ahead, ask."

"What did you get out in solitary for?"

"You're the chancellor's son. Shouldn't you know these things?" I tried to remain civil but internally I was in conflict.

"Yes, but I don't recognize your name enough to remember. And before you say anything, my dad debriefed me when I got arrested." I bit my lip. Not knowing what was on my record for the reason I was in solitary.

"Orphan who was lucky enough to have a large love for books." I smiled remembering my first book, the memory so distance it didn't feel real, one of my only remaining memories from before I lost my purity.

I sped up leaving him with the other two guys to scout the area ahead for any signs of struggle or Jasper.

"Come on, dude. Where did they take you?" My words were just a whisper to the wind.

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