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"Hey, Pers. I'm going with Finn and Wells," she said the last name with disgust, "to find seaweed for Jasper." Clarke informed as she shouldered her backpack.

"Sounds good Clarke. I'll keep an eye on camp and his royal pain in the ass." I motioned behind me with my hand towards where Bellamy and his crew were.

"Murphy?" She seemed genuinely confused, making me spin around quickly.

"Oh come on!" I rubbed a hand down my face.

"Good luck Pers." She mocked me as she walked away. I looked at where Murphy was standing seeing the clearing empty that once held a large group of boys, Bellamy included.

"Oye! Murphy!" I shouted jogging over towards the brunette.

"Shadow. Or should I call you Songbird?" He was smirking as I got closer to him.

"Shut up, where'd Bellamy go?" I demanded stopping just in front of him.

"Why do you want to know?" He crossed his arms, eyebrow raised as he got serious.

"Cause I've got to keep an eye on the dumbass. Too many dumb people in camp listening to the bull he's spewing. Plus I've been itching to find a reason to kick his ass." He let out a laugh as I finished.

"He went hunting with a group of 'dumb people' to catch dinner." Murphy made air quotations. "Look, you may not like him. But,"

"There aren't any buts." I interrupted uncrossing my arms and standing up taller, my intense stare covered for the inch height difference.

"But, he does know how to survive down here. And he's willing to make difficult choices. Sacrifice when necessary." I scoffed.

"He's a self-serving jackass. And the only reason you're actually listening to him is because you think by being on his good side you'll continue to stay in power. But what happens when he decides you're the difficult choice?" Murphy was taken a back at my words.

"Think about it Murphy. Are you really going to hide behind him or are you willing to be your own person?" I started to walk away back to the drop ship when a small blonde caught my eyesight. She had taken off from the center of camp and sprinted towards the woods. Towards, where I have no doubt, Bellamy and the rest of the dump crew were hunting.

"Don't you do it." I watched the blonde disappear from my sight. "You have a camp to keep an eye on." I stared at the drop ship where I knew Octavia and Monty were watching Jasper. Then where teens were getting the wall built. I looked back at where the little girl disappeared and frowned.



I chased after the girl, easily catching up to her. I decided to just follow rather than make myself known. Keeping several feet of distance between us and her until I heard him.

"Shh, shh. She's mine." I got closer to the girl as she stopped and stood by a tree watching the group of teens I now could see. I watched Bellamy flip an axe over in his hands and walk forward. I was almost two feet away from the girl when she stepped in front of the tree. Snapping a twig as she went. My eyes widened as I saw Bellamy move.

Grabbing the girl I spun us around so that I was closer to the tree as Bellamy's axe spun towards us. I didn't move until I heard the loud thunk as the tool was buried into the trunk of the tree.

"Get her!" The rest of the hunting party ran off, their footsteps fading in the direction of the squealing animal.

I let the blonde girl go, expecting to get out of there as fast as possible when she grabbed my hand.

Persphyni : I am DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now