"You know, you're a huge pain in the ass too." I said as Bellamy left Raven's tent. "She staying?" He nodded.
"For now. I've become quite convincing with all this practice."
"Shut up." I flipped the spear in my grasp. "We got more bullets?"
"Yup, the last in stock." I frowned as he flashed me the ammo in his hands.
"Maybe you should stay here, keep the rounds for if the grounders come." He shook his head.
"Then you have to stay as well. If the grounders come we are going to need you here."
Here's the dilemma, if I go hunting I can get food to help us survive. If I stay I can protect us to help us survive. If I leave, I can come back to an aftermath of a battlefield. If I stay, I won't be able to get outside the walls.
"Fine, but not because you convinced me. I'd rather leave and return to a whole camp and not a battlefield. We'll take a rain check." Bellamy smirked and we changed our course back to the dropship.
"I totally convinced you."
"You know what?" I stopped turning to face Bellamy. "I'm gonna go hunt." I started to walk away when Bellamy grabbed my upper forearm.
"Persphyni, let the others have some victory for once." I looked from Bellamy to the wall then back to Bellamy with a sigh.
"I guess, wait!" I pointed a finger at him accusingly. "You just want me to tell a story." Bellamy faked hurt, a hand in his chest as he looked to the sky.
"I'm wounded. Why would I want to hear your voice anymore than I have to."
Bellamy's hiss filled the air as he rubbed his shoulder where I had punched him.
"You're an ass."
"And you're obsessed!" He yelled as I started to walk passed him and back towards the dropship.
"As I've said before, your ass is the last thing I'd obsess about!" I yelled over my shoulder, ignoring the amused looks from the teens.
"You're right, it's my pe-"
"You better not finish that sentence!" I cut him off, not looking at him as I stepped onto the ramp.
"-ctorals" I rolled my eyes as he finished the sentence. Much cleaner than I was expecting.
I was sitting next to Monty, watching him fiddle with the data log. Raven had gone to get some wire for the radios the two were going to make and I was just simply there to observe until I was needed.
"I found some good antenna wire for the radios. This guy was using it to fix his bed." I rolled my eyes, of course. "You find anything else from the exodus ship wreckage?" I could see them both glance at me but I was too preoccupied with fiddling around with my dagger to try and acknowledge them.
"Yeah, data log." Monty said tapping the box he was working with. "Want to hear something weird?" Monty made the log create static then buffered signal. Same thing he had been doing the thirty minutes Raven's been out looking for wire.
"Sounds like interference." I set my dagger on the table becoming much more interested in the static.
"Wait. It gets weirder. When the signal hit, their nav system went nuts. They never got it back and then... boom." My eyes widened.
"Someone hacked into the ship." I voiced my hypothesis looking between the two.
"Sort of. It's like something was jamming the signal." Monty explained turning towards me.
"That is weird, it also makes no sense whatsoever." Raven said shutting Monty's and my theory down. "Now. Pull the drives and speakers."
"You want to strip it?" Monty and I both looked at Raven.
"We'll never find out why they crashed." I spoke up.
"We need every component we can get out hands on, if we're gonna make walkies." Raven addressees the both of us, "I'm sorry." That last sentence was directed towards me.
"Don't worry about it." I hopped off my stool and slid my dagger back in its sheath. "I'll be outside, got to make sure the groups get back in time."
"Murphy, what did you just tell Raven?" I stood in front of the boy who was gutting a fish, looking at the girl who just stormed off towards the tents.
"Just that Finn and Clarke aren't back yet."
"Of course, that poor kid Myles is probably dying in fright." I heard Murphy scoffed.
"I hope so." I rose a brow.
"I'm not even going to ask. So I see Bellamy put you on gutting duty. Is this punishment?" Murphy set down the fish and leaned on his hands.
"Oh no, definitely not. I absolutely love slicing dead animals open and separating meat from organs. Best. Job. Ever." I laughed at his sarcasm.
"Don't worry, I'll get you off gutting duty tomorrow. You'll probably help with the latrine though. And personally, I'd take the gutting." I whispered the last part and backed away from the table.
"I've got to go run rounds, keep an eye on Bellamy so you can tell me where he went in case I need him." Murphy gave me a mock salute as I stuck my tongue out.
Yes, he was dangerous. But weren't we all. I guess I just know there is good in him. A good I want to protect even if I couldn't protect my own.
I had finished my round, helping a few groups as the last two trickled in. No sign of Clarke, Finn, or Myles. Something happened. I had gone to investigate but the second to last group to come back had needed my help.
And to brag. They had managed to get the most out of everyone. Surprisingly they got three dear and a few boars. Unsurprisingly it was Jasper, Miller, and another one of Bellamy's crew.
Speaking of Bellamy.
"Murphy! You do as I asked?" Murphy rolled his eyes and pointed towards Bellamy's tent.
"Appreciate it!" I called over my shoulder as I jogged to Bellamy's tent. But stopping when I saw Raven hurriedly exit, boots in hand.
Holy F-...
I mean technically I'm not wrong. But judging by Raven's face, it wasn't that holy.

Persphyni : I am Darkness
Fanfiction"How you holding up?" "You know. Just stuck in here." "Just one more day and I won't have to worry about your damn sarcasm." "Be quiet, you love me." I headed out of the drop ship, looking up to the darkening sky. Thunder rolling as the dark clo...