After we had gathered everyone to explain where Murphy was as well as the new order system. I ventured to my tent that I had moved away from everyone else's and somewhat hid with the wall. Comfort in knowing I was secluded from everyone as well as being so near the wall to be aware of an attack.
I had taken my jacket off and set it on a log top I was using as a makeshift table. My gun and belt with my dagger attached were set just on top of the leather as I took my boots off.
The good thing about moving my tent is I was able to set a small tarp underneath so I could walk around barefoot and not get my feet or socks dirty. Also if anyone decided to come kill me in my sleep I would know as soon as their foot stepped inside.
I set my tank top in a corner letting it dry as well as my jeans and socks. Now only clothed in my sports bra and underwear, I sat on the small cot the guy had expertly made. How I got this sweet of a deal just by bringing a nicer pair of boots beats me. I even managed to snag another blanket. That I used as a pillow. As I normally didn't sleep and my body temperature didn't need to drop to go to sleep.
It had been about twenty minutes by now. Sleep slowly creeping on me as I let my brain run wild. Telling myself stories to pass time as I slowly drifted off to sleep. Drifted off to the darkness that welcomed me.
"We need to talk." No response.
"Quit making me stand out here. I know you're in there. I've been calling you for the past ten minutes!" Still nothing.
"Fine." The tent flaps were ripped open as I heard the crunch of a shoe on my tarp. I woke up high alert, spinning out of bed and grabbing my dagger out of its sheath as I crouched on the ground looking up at the intruder.
"What the hell! You asshole!" I groaned as I realized who had just bathed into my tent. "Haven't you ever heard of knocking?" I sheathed my dagger and set it back down on top of my jacket. The intruder hadn't said anything.
"Quit staring, turn around and tell me why the hell you barged into my tent." I ordered as I crossed the tent to where my clothes were lying dry coincidentally a foot away from where he was standing.
"I-uh. I wanted to talk to you. Yes, um." He cleared his throat. "I wanted to talk to you about today."
"What's there to talk about?" I pulled my jeans on, walking back over to my belt and securing it around my waist.
"Where'd you get the gun?" I chuckled at his question.
"The same way you got yours, and that ugly uniform." I slipped my tank top on, reaching down for my socks.
"Shumway?" I eyed his back curiously.
"No, he said his sons' name was Nathan Miller. What else?" I really hated small talk.
"How'd you know?" I paused, he was talking about Charlotte.
"Well, to start off you had given a small scared twelve year old the idea to slay her demons. Plus I saw her walking away from Wells's body. And doing background information, she was the only one young and naive enough to have thought her nightmare would go away."
"No, I don't mean that. I meant," he turned around his eyes meeting mine, "how'd you know she was going to jump?" I let out a big breath of air as I tried to think of an explanation.
"She was already trying to give herself up to Murphy, and with the cliff being the one thing she could get to. It's simple math."
"No it isn't. But whatever, you don't need to tell me." I smirked as his jaw clenched. He really wanted to know.

Persphyni : I am Darkness
Fanfiction"How you holding up?" "You know. Just stuck in here." "Just one more day and I won't have to worry about your damn sarcasm." "Be quiet, you love me." I headed out of the drop ship, looking up to the darkening sky. Thunder rolling as the dark clo...