I had just passed Raven's skid mark where she had fallen. Keeping my pace as I fought with the day that was increasingly getting lighter as I ran towards the bridge.
I had seen the small dot of blood in the marks, and I knew it wasn't from cutting her knee. She was sick, and trying to put the bomb on the bridge.
"Damn it, Raven." I ran, my flashlight off and in one of my jacket pockets as I could now see the ground in front of me. I recognize the large bush of shrubs as they closed behind a body. I had caught up to her.
"Raven! Stop!" I yelled as I got to her side. "Give me the pack." Her nose was bleeding as she continued to stagger towards the bridge. "I'm sorry." I kicked her leg, catching her before she could fall and drug her to the end of the bridge. She was too weak to fight as I grabbed the bag and started to run to the center of the bridge.
I dropped to my knees, pulling the pack carefully of my shoulder and setting it down gently. I quickly pulled each item out, first the x-container, next the gunpowder, and finally the hydrazine. The latter I set down with lots of care.
"Okay, you got this." I went to pull the lid of the x-container when I heard them.
War drums. Tons, headed straight for the bridge.
I could only hope Jasper was ready as I ripped the lid off, gently set the hydrazine inside and poured the gunpowder around it. The process would have taken me longer had I cared about being perfect. But right now, drums were coming straight for us and I needed to get Raven away.
"Raven!" Finn was here, meaning Jasper was here. I set the lid on the x-container. Spinning it around and grabbing the pack.
"Get her out of here!" I shouted to him as I saw him in the trees. He didn't hesitate as he ran down to where I was standing next to a weak Raven.
I picked up Raven's gun and walked back onto the bridge so I could see Jasper. I held up an open hand so he could see we weren't ready. Finn and Raven needed to get off, and fast. The war drums weren't waiting.
"Today, Collins!" I shouted as I stared at the other side of the bridge. Small orange flickers flitted through the trees. They were here. I turned and watched Finn and Raven duck for cover.
"Now!" I yelled dropping my hand and running from the bomb. Sprinting to where Finn and Raven were, using my body to shield them as we waited the oncoming blast.
One pull of the trigger, two, three, four, five. Nothing. He had missed.
"Finn, I'm going." I said as I poked my head out and looked at the grounders who were now slowly crossing the bridge.
"No, they'll see you." He tried to grab my hand but I was already up.
"Bearer of the World." I gave him a wink as I took a deep breath and walked out into view. Gun held to my shoulder.
"I'd back away from the bridge if I were you!" The grounders didn't heed my warning as a gun was fired. Jasper had more bullets. I took a step backwards as they began their approach.
"I did warn you!" Come on, Jasper. I heard the pull of the trigger and I sprinted away. Diving behind the large brush as Jasper hit the 'x'. Winning the prize of another dawn.
I laid on the dirt for a few moments, closing my eyes to avoid watching the dark grey cloud enter the atmosphere. My adrenaline slowing and pain coursing through my legs, distracted me as I breathed. I should really take back up my normal routine. That'll start tomorrow. Tonight, well, I think I'm going to try some of Monty's Unity Juice if there was any left.
Monty and Jasper led the way as Finn and I carried Raven. The combined strength getting us to the camp much faster. At some points when we could only go single file we'd take turns carrying her on our backs. She's fallen asleep on mine minutes before now, the worry evident in Finn's eyes as he made sure she was breathing.
Finn's a good guy. But he needs to sort whatever is between him, Raven, and Clarke out. I was going to actually go insane if I had to deal with the tension between the three of them.
Finn and I each had one of Raven's arms over our shoulders as she insisted trying to walk back to camp. The small exercise would actually help her body fight off the infection, so we let her.
"There! It's them! Open the gate!" I heard Harper's voice as she saw Jasper and Monty. The camp's excitement reached the three of our ears. Making me grab Raven and sit her on my back as I piggybacked her in.
"Hold on, Raven. I'm getting you to the Doctor." I told her as I took off behind Finn.
I looked up at Clarke as she made eye contact with me as I passed through the gate behind Finn. The applause came to a halt as they caught sight of the three of us. My legs straining as I walked faster to bring her to the dropship.
"Just a little further, Raven. I promise." I felt her arms loosen, her body shutting down again.
Finn walked in first followed by me and then Clarke. The former helped Raven off of my back and laid her down in the hammock I had last seen Clarke in.
My exhaustion hit me like a grounder, which was more accurate than saying a truck as I had no idea how that felt. My legs wobbled as I stood watching Clarke examine Raven. A hand was set on my shoulder and I turned to see Murphy looking as energetic with blood still on his face.
"I'm glad to see you're doing better." We stepped away from the other three and towards a more secluded part of the dropship.
"I'm glad to see you in general." He breathed as he ran a hand through his hair.
"You know, you should really get yourself cleaned up. The red really doesn't bring out your eyes." Murphy chuckled as I gave him a smile. "But seriously, I can go find you some new clothes and walk you to the stream."
"Persphyni, I've got it handled. And you look absolutely exhausted. Go take a nap, or sit down. Go relax somewhere. Clarke and Bellamy can handle things for a few hours." I nodded, a nap or at least propping my feet sounded really nice right now.
"You've twisted my arm, Murphy. I'll see you in a few hours." I have a small wave, glancing at Raven who was still being examined then walked out of the dropship.
I needed to find Bellamy, I was too damn tired to set up my tent and cot right now.
Plus I wanted to see how shit he looked.

Persphyni : I am Darkness
Fanfiction"How you holding up?" "You know. Just stuck in here." "Just one more day and I won't have to worry about your damn sarcasm." "Be quiet, you love me." I headed out of the drop ship, looking up to the darkening sky. Thunder rolling as the dark clo...