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"He's gone! The grounder's gone!" The first words I'm glad to hear as we entered camp. I could hear panic rising which wasn't what I wanted. The three of us quickened our pace.

"What if he brings other grounders back?"

"He'll kill us all."

"Or worse."

"Let the grounders come." Bellamy said as the three of us walked in sync into the crowd. "We've been afraid of them for far too long, and why? Because of their knives and spears. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of being afraid." Bellamy looked at Clarke then at me. And as I had us practice, we pulled the bags of supplies off our shoulders. I managed to get away with having all the blankets and some medical supplies but the other two were carrying guns. I didn't reveal mine like the other two, I just sat it to the side and looked at all the teens.

"These are weapons, ok. Not toys." Clarke said as the crowd got way to excited at what was in her's and Bellamy's hands. "And we have to be prepared to give them up to the guard when the dropships come. But until then, they're gonna help keep us safe."

"There are plenty more where these came from." I said looking out into the crowd. "Tomorrow we start training. Got to make badasses out of you lot." I few people laughed as others nodded. "And if the grounders come," I looked at Bellamy, "we're gonna be ready to fight." He nodded at me and I looked away, back to the crowd to see a disappointed look on Octavia's face.

"Now, we're getting up early tomorrow. So get to bed, first watch, you're up." I grabbed my bag of supplies and made my way to the drop ship, not missing Octavia move away and towards the wall.

"Blake," I called Bellamy over as he had begun to follow me, "here." I handed him a blanket and traded him for the guns. "Go talk to your sister," he nodded and began to walk away, "and don't be an asshole!" I yelled to him as he kept his back turned towards me but I saw his middle finger that he hid behind his back.

I felt my mouth drop at the action, before I began to laugh. Guess getting my past off my chest was really helpful. And freeing. I led Clarke into the drop ship, moving some items around to store the guns. Putting them out of eye sight for the night and turning to organize the blankets and medical supplies.

"I still can't believe that you made me carry the guns." Clarke said as she took the medical supplies as I refolded the blankets into near piles.

"Oh please, I know you wanted to whip out the guns the moment you saw me and Bellamy practicing. Plus, I was tired." She laughed as I rolled my eyes at her.

"Go get some rest, I know you didn't sleep last night or the night before. In fact, you haven't slept at all since we found Octavia. Now I command thee to thy tent to get thy rest, thou rightfully deserves." I stepped away from the blanket piles and gave Clarke a 'did you really just do that' look and rolled my eyes.

"You're ridiculous." Clarke followed me out of the drop ship pushing me towards my tent as she called Bellamy over.

"It's time." They we're going to speak with Jaha.

"I'm coming with, I need to talk to the man as well." Clarke looked at me hesitantly, "I promise to go to sleep right after." She nodded and led the way into the tent, Bellamy then myself following. Giving Bellamy a smack upside the head.

"I told you not to be an ass."

"I wasn't, I just asked a question." I rolled my eyes as he rubbed the back of his head. We were now all three in the tent. Clarke had sat down and there was only one left.

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