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I heard coughing when I woke up. The sun shining on my face. I had made a ladder of sorts to get onto the roof last night. Then I had fallen asleep after doctoring my thigh.

I stayed low on the roof, crawling over to see if the 100 had left the dropship yet. I wanted to surprise them, but they were the ones surprising me.

Pink smoke filtered around them as they all fell to the floor. I hid along the metal reaching for my daggers as I made eye contact with Clarke.

Persphyni? I saw her mouth move and I nodded.

Follow. I planned on it. I watched her head slump as what I'm assuming is sleeping gas took her with the rest of the 100. When the guns came into view I nearly leaped from the top of the ship to attack. Until I saw the stretchers.

I eyes the new comers. Technologically advanced, faces covered and wearing a hazmat suit. All the grounders I've seen were walking and breathing just fine. And they didn't have guns.

"Mountain men." The words rolled off my tongue as I remembered the last group of people here. Thank you Lincoln.

I eyed them wearily watching some of them apply bandages to a few of the 100 with wounds. Then they would lift them up and take them somewhere on a stretcher and then come back in less than four minutes.

I stayed on top of the dropship, marking targets if necessary, and ducking when needed. The last few people had been stretchered out of camp, and the mountain men had gone into the dropship and come back out with nothing.

When they finished their final scan of the camp I made my way to the ladder since my tree was burnt. My climb was slow as I slowly put weight on my right leg, trying to keep the horrid stitching together.

I made it down and took a foxhole out, hiding behind the trees and bushes as I caught up to them and followed. My daggers secured in their sheaths for now. I remained a few fifty meters away until we got to a cave system.

When they walked in, I sprinted up to the opening behind them and counted to ten. Once I hit ten a ran in after them. Keeping my steps light and biting my lip to avoid groaning because of the pain.

I heard carts being pushed as I got to a cross roads. The carts were going left so I followed. At one point a small group broke off from the rest, taking a side path as the carts continued forward. I didn't hesitate, I went the side path following the three men closely as they were too busy chatting.

These were the three men who were in charge of the operation, the names being thrown out, Sergeant, Major and Captain, made my hands twitch. I knew what I had to do. I just had to wait.

So I followed the Sergeant, the Major, and the Captain back out into the sunlight as they walked through a forest before reaching a hill. Following behind them, I saw the top of a small building.

This was Mount Weather.

They were laughing at something loudly just fifty feet from the door so I took action.

I brought the hilt of my dagger to the left ones head. The man fell like a brick as I kicked the middle person to the ground, then knocking the right one out as well.

The middle man brought his gun up but I kicked it back down and grabbed it tearing it from his grasp. I held my daggers where the sunlight glinted off them, and when he had adjusted to the sun being behind me his face was one of fright. Rude. But I mean I would be afraid too, if I wasn't me.

"If you know what's good for you. You're going to listen to me." He nodded. His hand reaching out towards the right man's gun ever so slightly.

I sighed and stepped on it bringing my dagger closer to him. The man's yell was music to my ears as I softly shushed him.

"I bet those pretty little hazmat suits are for a reason. I wouldn't want them to," I trailed off, bringing my dagger to the material, "get a hole."

"What do you want." I stepped off his hand kicking him in the stomach as I disarmed the two guards who were knocked out.

"You'll see when you wake up."

"Wha-" I had knocked him out using the time to slide my daggers in my sheaths and drag the three unconscious men further from the door, where coincidentally there was a camera.

I smirked, crouching down in front of it, bringing the middle man's walkie to my lips.

"I've got three of your men out here." I spoke into the black walkie. "Bring your leader and we can talk. You've got five minutes. After that, well, the hazmats might get a little shredded."

"Who is this?" The voice of an older gentleman came from the walkie. But I turned away from the camera and walked over to the three men. Pulling my pistol, that only had two bullets left, out and holding it in my right hand. Walkie in my left.

"Three minutes."


"10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3, tw-"

"Wait!" I set the walkie back on my waistband and looked at the newcomers. There was ten, eight of whom surrounded two taller men. The leaders I'm assuming.

I stayed silent my right hand itching to use the dagger. I was so close too.

"Who are you? What do you want?" The voice of the older gentleman came again. I pulled the safety off my gun and held it to the left ones head as my dagger floated by his neck.

"My name is Atlys Kane, and you took my family. I want them back."

A gunshot was fired through the air startling the mountain men.

"That was a warning." My words directed to the two guards who had broken from formation and were trying to creep around behind me.

"The next one will be a lesson."

Persphyni : I am DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now