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"Hey, they're back!" The makeshift gate was opened for us as Clarke and Finn led the way in. I stopped at the gate making sure that everyone went ahead of me. Including Atom.

Bellamy and Wells holding Atom set him down. The latter left to go dig Atom's grave while the former only three seconds in camp and already directing people. Though I agreed with him this one time.

"Get Clarke whatever she needs." I looked around camp for the small blonde who hadn't followed orders when Bellamy told her to get back to camp. My instinct shot all sorts of warning signs at the mere thought of her. And I had to do something about it before I couldn't.

I started to walk away when Octavia ran over. I already knew this was going to cause problems so I headed back over.

"Octavia, just stay there. Please, stay back." Bellamy stopped her physically just as I made it over.

"Bellamy, quit babying her. Come on Octavia." I gave Bellamy a stern look as he glared right back. I led Octavia over to the teen whose face was covered in Bellamy's jacket and looked back at her.

"Octavia, it's Atom." I pulled the jacket off, "he's dead." Her eyes held tears as she stared at he boy.

"There's nothing I could do." That's a lie. But I didn't say anything as Octavia already had it handled.

"Don't." Her hand in the air as she looked back down at Atom. I took that as my cue to leave and left the crowd there watching Atom, Octavia, and Bellamy. I had a small blonde to find, and I didn't even know where to start.


I began with Wells. Seeing as he was probably the easiest to start with as he was digging a grave.

"Let me know if you see her, please. Tell her I need to talk to her immediately." Wells nodded before getting back to the grave.

Then I went in to look at Jasper as well as talk to Clarke. Coincidentally Clarke wasn't there when I got to the drop ship, but there was some booze about.

"Smooth." I laughed as Monty passed the bottle over to Octavia coughing consistently.

"Y'all are shit nurses." I spoke as I got up the ladder and made my way over to stand by Jasper's feet. "Where's Baby Dr. Griffin?" I turned to face Finn as Octavia took a swig.

"Disgusting. Love it." She tapped my arm with it, offering me to drink.

"Don't drink." But I passed the bottle to Finn who still hadn't answered my question.

"Went to go talk to Wells." He took a drink.

"Of course." I leaned my butt against the metal table Jasper was on and crossed my arms over my chest.

"So, Songbird," Finn began with a small smirk, "want to sing us one?" I scoffed and shook my head.

"I've got important business to attend to. Several matters actually. Some more important than others. But I'll make you a deal, once Jasper's up and moving around. If he can figure it out on his own and he asks, I'll do it just cause he's alive. And depending on what he wants it may just be a story." They all shared a look before nodding at me.

"Deal." Monty confirmed as Finn passed him the bottle again.

"Very well. Oh!" I spun back around, my hands and feet on the ladder, "if you guys see Charlotte, let her know that I'm looking for her. It's urgent." I climbed down and walked out of the drop ship, avoiding the few sleeping people and making it out into camp where I saw Murphy slouched on a log.

I didn't say anything as I made my way over to where the brunette was fiddling with a stick. Sitting down beside him on the log and folding my hands together.

"You were right." I kept staring straight ahead waiting for him to elaborate. "I want to be my own person, I don't want to hide behind him. But, he's just." I looked at the boy and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Look, I'm not going to lie. Ten times out of ten, I'm correct." Murphy rolled his eyes at me. "But listen, it's going to be difficult. And until you have that final point where he pushes you too far, you may not be able to get there. Just, don't forget to respect yourself okay. Don't make yourself some pushover who takes shit from others, if someone fights you you fight back." I laughed remembering the speech I had given to Wells the first day here.

"I remember giving a similar speech to Wells. Don't you turn your nose up at him. He ain't his father. But look. If Bellamy is the jackass in your life, then you have to fight back. Don't let that lowlife push you around. Okay?" He nodded, his gaze falling towards his stick in hands.

"Thanks, Songbird." I nudged his shoulder with mine before going to stand up.

"Hey, um. Murphy. Where's your knife?" He had been playing with the stick which had shocked me when I first sat down but when he used it to dig in the dirt I figured something happened.

"Uh, I don't know." He stood up to checking his pockets, before slapping his head. "Oh! I left it in the tree trunk right over he— it's gone!" His hands combed through his hair.

"Hey, you need to calm down. It's going to be okay. Just look around to see if anyone may have grabbed it." He nodded his face turning angry at the mention of someone stealing his knife. I grabbed his jacket before he could though. "But don't, under any circumstances, start an unnecessary fight. You come find me and I'll deal with them. Because unlike you I won't get in trouble." I sent him a smirk before letting him go and turning to take off in another direction to search the camp for Charlotte.


I spent all night going from tent to tent looking for the blonde, even revisiting Clarke before she had fallen asleep all leading to a failure. And another attempt led to my disgust as I went to find Bellamy only to nearly vomit as I ran away. A shiver just went down my spine thinking about it.

I decided to check in with Wells one last time, looking at the graves to find he wasn't there before remembering he had watch tonight. The first light of dawn had broken into the sleepy forest as it slowly woke up. It would have been peaceful had I not caught sight of blonde hair running away. The same blonde hair that I had been looking for.

I took off in a sprint hurdling over fallen branches and jumping like parkour people did back on earth a hundred years ago. Not even noticing the body laying down at I went passed. I would revisit the sight later anyways. And find the product of the darkness I had indirectly unleashed.

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