"What? No." I glared into his eyes.
"It's not up for discussion. You all have a shoot to kill order. I don't. They want me alive, and if it means keeping you guys safe, then I'm staying."
"I can't let you do this alone." I smiled sadly at him and turned to where I could look at both of them.
"I won't be. Like you said before, I'm not alone." Even though I am. Soon these people will become nothing more than memories.
"No. You're both coming with us." Clarke said, pulling the two of us from our calm standoff. "I'm afraid we're going to need that inspiration before this day is through." I gave a small smile.
"Clarke," I started.
"No. You are coming. Either on your own freewill or I'll knock you out." I rose a brow at the blonde.
"And I'll carry you." Bellamy said. The two of them now ganging up on me. I bit my lip and ran a hand atop my head and grabbed my braided bun. I turned around and pulled the elastic off and let the bun unravel. I was trying to give myself time. I knew what I needed to do. They needed to let me go.
I pulled my hair into a ponytail and turned back around to my two co-leaders. Clarke was staring expectantly as Bellamy simply had his arms crossed over his chest. Both waiting patiently for me to respond.
"You have to let me go." I said after a moments pause. "This is what's right for our people." Bellamy and Clarke both shook their heads.
"You're what is right for our people." Clarke said as she moved towards me. "Pers, please." I smiled at the nickname.
"I'm sorry, Clarke. I've made up my mind." I spoke to her but my eyes were on Bellamy's as he slowly uncrossed his arms.
"Okay." I skeptically looked at Clarke just before she wrapped me in a hug. She gave me a hard squeeze when I didn't hug her back.
I soon melted into it and returned the embrace. We stood there for about five seconds just hugging each other. Flashbacks of when we first landed and we had found each other floated across my closed eyelids.
"Goodbye, Clarke." Clarke let go and looked from me to Bellamy.
"I'll see you soon." Then she left. Leaving Bellamy, myself, and Raven who had watched the entire thing unfold quietly.
"You need to pack." I spoke as Bellamy started to take steps towards me.
"Only if you'll fit in a bag." I laughed and shook my head.
"Bellamy, I'm not going."
"Yes, you are." He got even closer to me. "Miller told me about the campfire the night we found Myles. He told me that you had rallied everyone together. Persphyni, we need that. Now more than ever. Clarke may be the head, and I may be the heart, but you are the soul. And we need that more than the other two right now." He placed both his hands on my shoulders. "We need you more. I need you more." I set my hands on his forearms and pulled them down.
"Bellamy, if I stay you all have a better chance of getting to the ocean then if I come with you. The grounders are looking for me, you all are just in the way. Please, Bellamy." He was shaking his head as I lifted a hand to his chest.
"Bellamy, you have to let me go." He placed a hand on top of mine. I guess me getting closer to my own death makes me soft.
"No. You have to come with us." I shook my head. "Look. You and me, we can stay back for a day. Let the group get ahead of us while we both stay." I smiled looking down, slipping my hand from beneath his.
"You need to make sure our people get to the ocean safely." I paused, closing my eyes and letting out a breath. "I'll meet you there in three days." He started to shake his head. "Bellamy, three days." I repeated once again. "I promise I'll fly to your side the minute the grounders swarm camp."
Bellamy didn't get to answer as Finn and another camper came in with the stretcher. Bellamy and I helped them move Raven onto it, the two of us following the three out of the dropship. I looked to my left to see Bellamy already looking at me.
"Bellamy!" I took Miller's distraction to run up on top of the gates where a few of the gunners were waiting.
"Listen up! We have 210 miles to the ocean. Move together, we are a unit, a camp, a family. No one gets left behind. Except for me." The 100 looked at me, whispering to themselves and asking questions.
"Quiet. I'll be meeting you at the ocean in three days time." My words were directed to the camp, but my eyes were on Clarke and Bellamy. "Three days, and I'll be there." I looked back to the 100.
"You guys are my family. And family takes care of each other and makes sacrifices. This is my sacrifice."
"You'll die if you stay!" I looked down at Jasper as he yelled up to me.
"Maybe. But I'll know you guys are safe. Now, get in formation. No breaking lines, stay on guard. Three days. Keep each other safe until then."
The gates were open and the gunners led the way out. I leaned against the wall, facing into the forest watching them go.
The 100. My family. Soon the last few people trickled out and I turned ready to get back down off the wall when I saw Bellamy and Clarke by the fire.
I watched Bellamy pour water over the main fire in camp. The same one I had told Achilles's tale. A fate I would soon face. I wasn't going to make it to the ocean. But they would.
Clarke and Bellamy didn't look up at me as they walked through the gate. I didn't want them to. I needed them to believe that it was going to be okay. And not see my cool facade crumbling. They were almost out of sight when Bellamy turned back around and gave the camp one last look. Gave me one last look.
I kept a blank face, holding back the scream that wanted to come ripping out of my chest. I wanted to tell him goodbye, but I knew he would know.
And so, I watched him turn back around and leave. The fading memory of him, Clarke, and the 100 following.
"Goodbye, Clarke Griffin." I whispered into the wind. Closing my eyes and looking up into the sky.
"Goodbye Bellamy Blake. May we meet again."

Persphyni : I am Darkness
Fanfiction"How you holding up?" "You know. Just stuck in here." "Just one more day and I won't have to worry about your damn sarcasm." "Be quiet, you love me." I headed out of the drop ship, looking up to the darkening sky. Thunder rolling as the dark clo...