I heard the gunshot as I left the panel where Jasper and Raven had just gone through.
"Bellamy?" I heard Octavia's voice over the radio. I ran to the front of the dropship beside her, my own radio out and ready to talk.
"Bellamy! Are you ok?" She spoke again when I nodded towards her. Right now we were trying to buy Raven and Jasper time. And if we couldn't, well, I'd be going through the roof.
"Bellamy! Do you copy?" I knew he was still alive, Murphy wasn't going to just get it over with. And that thought worried me.
"I'm fine." The deep baritone of Bellamy echoed between our two radios. "Just a misfire. Now stop worrying about me and get back to work, all of you. And tell Raven to hurry her ass up." I sighed relieved. And turned to the crowd.
"Okay, I understand I've said this like three times already, but for real. Get back to work. I'll signal when we are ready. I want three gunners to stay, the rest of you to the wall. Everyone else, we have foxholes to set up."
The ping of a bullet against the metal shot me off the tree I had been leaning on. That was the second shot, and Bellamy still wasn't dead. Meaning Murphy was trying to force him to do something. It also mean he only had three bullets left. Two more then he'd have to make a kill shot on Bellamy.
"Octavia, Raven is taking too long. I'm going through the roof." Octavia gave me a nod and I went to the tree and started the climb.
I was up and unscrewing the metal in no time. The sides were completely fixed in, so with twelve screws in hand I had finally managed to pull the square off. The small gap shone sunlight on a small clearing off the third level. I pocketed the screws and tucked the screw driver in my back pocket, hands gripping either side of the metal. I would have to drop down and not make a noise. Practice from the Ark would come in handy, only this time I have gravity pulling me downwards.
Breathe. I slowly lowered myself until I was hanging suspended in the air by my fingertips. My feet still four feet from the ground as I slowly let go. Dropping to a crouch as I soaked up the impact with my legs and balls of my feet. A deep thud echoed through the space, but it was quiet enough where I was about thirty percent confident no one below the second level would have heard it.
I waited a few seconds, listening for anything but the muffled voices just kept talking. I crept towards the hatch, quietly lifting it and slipping onto the ladder where the second level hatch was open and I could hear Murphy more clearly.
"Well, I think the princess is dead. But I know the king's about to die. And the Queen, well, I'd like to think she'd enjoy my partnership. After all, she does kinda hate you." I could only hear what was happening as I stepped off the ladder and knelt down next to the open hatch.
"So whose really going to lead these people? Me. And yeah, maybe I'll have to kill your grounder-pounding little sister-" I heard Bellamy's grunt and then footsteps moving quickly. I looked down the ladder, thanking myself for putting my hair in a braided bun this morning, and saw Murphy grab hold of seatbelts and pull down.
I held my breath, commanding him to not look up as a scream from below sounded. Raven. Shit.
"I'm guessing that's her right now." He let go off the seatbelts and stepped away from my view. But the six gunshots that followed after told me he had just shot the floor.
"No!" Bellamy roared, and then I heard the click of the gun. He was out of bullets. Which to be fair, he was supposed to be out after five rounds. There must have been a spare three bullets laying around.
I heard the clank of metal and then someone choking. He was hanging him. I held my fist in my mouth as I waited.
"Using your hands is a cheat. Mine were bound remember." I pulled my dagger out of my sheath and flipped it around ready to throw it at the belts. Just as I went to release it, the hissing of the dropship sounded. And Murphy was out of bullets, meaning I was about to be met with the teen. I sat back on my heels and stood up as I waited for him to climb.
"Get the hell out of here Murphy." I said once he poked his head up to the second level.
"Persphyni?" I shook my head twirling my dagger.
"Get out, I can't protect you anymore. In the next life I hope you choose to take the harder path, the right one. Now get out of my sight before I change my mind." He climbed up to the third level as I turned back to the belts.
"Bell, hold on!" I threw the blade downwards as Octavia's voice filled the dropship. I soon followed my dagger's trajectory and was on the lower level of the dropship. Pulling my blade from the floor.
"Where's Murphy?" I asked looking around. Then the second level hatch shut from above me. Well that answered my question. I watched Octavia and Jasper help Bellamy breath as I just froze and stared at him. If I hadn't of waited, he wouldn't have been gasping for breath. I could have done something. I hesitated again.
"Raven, he's fine!" Jasper shouted down to the floor.
"Murphy!" Bellamy growled as he rose from the floor. "Murphy, it's over!" I was standing in front of the ladder when he got to me. He went to say something but I just stepped aside. Sliding my dagger in my sheath and meeting his brown eyes, my own slightly hazy with guilt.
Guilt. A five letter word that I never would use to describe how I felt.
Bellamy climbed up the ladder, slamming his shoulder into the hatch that had been blocked off from Murphy's side. Though whatever there wasn't strong enough to stop this brute of a man.
"Murphy!" Bellamy slammed into it again, this time lifting and pushing as he yelled. "There's only one way out of this for you now!"
I heard the explosion seconds before Bellamy busted through whatever was holding the hatch. Note to self, Bellamy is the guy to bring if you need brute force.
I jumped onto the ladder right as the explosion happened, right at Bellamy's heels as he got onto the second level. Grey smoke covered the view as we stood, coughing and waving it away.
"Murphy!" When the grey cloud settled slightly I could see what the explosion was. There in the middle of the second level was a hole in the wall. And when Bellamy and I got to it and looked out, there was the guy in question running away from camp.
I stuck my head out further blinking in disbelief when I saw there was a ladder that had just been blown out of use. I groaned and slammed my head into the wall as Jasper came over.
"He sure knows how to make an exit. Should we go after him?" I shook my head as I rubbed the spot where I slammed my face into the metal.
"No. Grounders will take care of Murphy." Bellamy's voice was much more hoarse. The sound of it alone filled me with anger. But not at Bellamy and not at Murphy. It filled me with anger at myself.
I trusted Murphy. I wanted to see the good in him. I wanted to give him a second chance. I believed he could be good, better, do the right thing. And I think I'm angry with myself even more, because I still believe those things.

Persphyni : I am Darkness
Fanfiction"How you holding up?" "You know. Just stuck in here." "Just one more day and I won't have to worry about your damn sarcasm." "Be quiet, you love me." I headed out of the drop ship, looking up to the darkening sky. Thunder rolling as the dark clo...