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"We're running out of time." Clarke dropped to her knees in front of the grounder once again.

"Which one. Which one is it?" Clarke's desperation evident in her voice. This was the fifth time she's asked. I've lost count of how many times Bellamy had hit the grounder. Each time sending me into conflict as I remained rooted on the ground, unmoving in Miller's hands.

"If you tell us, they'll stop."

"We, Clarke." She turned around as they all looked at me surprised I had spoken up again. "We will stop. Not they. You are apart of this too." She opened her mouth to argue but she knew I was right.

"Please," Clarke turned around, "tell us which is the antidote and it'll stop." No it won't, the grounder and I both knew that. He gives up his leverage he dies, and Bellamy goes off and finds another grounder to torture.

Bellamy was tired, as he huffed standing up from his crouched position as he tried to get air. And he was angry. Angry that his method wasn't working. He threw the seatbelt to the ground. The clank making the grounder jump slightly as he watched Bellamy.

"If that doesn't work, maybe this will." I watched him grab something and bring it over to the grounder. It was a nail, a really long nail. Or maybe just some kind of tool. But it wasn't pretty.

"Clarke, you don't have to be here for this."

"I'm not leaving until I get that antidote." Then you'll be here until Finn inevitably dies.

"Last chance." I watched Octavia and the grounder make eye contact. And then he switched over to me as Bellamy drove the point into the grounder's hand. I felt Miller tense up as the squish echoed. I just stared hoping to provide some comfort for the grounder.

"What's taking so long!" Raven was climbing up the stairs at a quick pace. "He stopped breathing." Raven said jogging over to Clarke.


"He started again, but next time he might not."

"He won't tell us anything." Clarke informed the new comer. Who glares at the grounder.

"Want to bet." Raven stalked over to some cords. Blue ones. And yanked them from the metal.

"What are you doing?" Bellamy asked standing up from where he had been moping seconds before.

"Showing him something new." And then, she electrocuted him. The grounder pained, he yelled and groaned, but he did not break.

"Which one is it?" I yanked myself from Miller's hands and tried to get in front of Raven as she electrocuted the grounder again.

"He's all I have!" Bellamy had grabbed me and pinned me to his chest so I couldn't interfere. And I let him. The grounders yells loud and echoing, similar to ones I had made before. I even sunk back into his chest away from the grounder as Raven got ready to shock him again.

"No more!" I felt Bellamy turn towards Octavia, bringing me with him.

"He's letting Finn die!" Raven cried out, tears in her eyes at the thought of the boy she loved dying.

Bellamy and I watched as Octavia's eyes welled in tears, before she brought the knife to her forearm.

"Octavia, no." Bellamy called out but it was already to late. She had cut four inches on her forearm.

"He won't let me die."

"Octavia, what the hell did y-" Bellamy tried to grab her with his extra arm as he held my weight with the other but she moved around him. And I watched Octavia in amazement.

"Is it this one?" She started to point at the different vials until the grounder confirmed one.

I stepped away from Bellamy, steadying myself with my thighs as I watched Octavia hand the vial to Clarke. The blonde girl whispering a quick thank you before her and Raven disappeared.

Bellamy went to grab Octavia to help her stand, but Octavia had other ideas.

"Don't touch me." Bellamy backed off but stayed near as we all stood in shock of what had happened. Only for a few moments as I walked across the room towards where my dagger and gun were hiding. In no time I had the ropes cut off and my gun back in the waistband of my pants. My emotions in check and pushing what had just happened to the back of my mind until I could have some quiet.

"Hey," I whispered as I got to Octavia who was still on the ground, "you think you could have done that maybe, twenty minutes ago." I thought Bellamy was going to deck me. But Octavia found it funny, as it relieved some tension.

"Let's go get you cleaned up." I said to Octavia as I looked down at her cut.

"You need to get yourself looked at too." I frowned looking down at myself.

"Do I have the case of ugly brother disease? I don't think there's a cure." I whispered. Making her laugh bringing a smile to my face as well as the grounder's.

"Come on." I led the way to the ladder turning back around to look at the three boys.

"You two, get this cleaned up. Blake, go walk out into the storm."


"I can't do this without you." I had just passed Raven as I got down to the first level seeing Clarke hunched over Finn's body.

"Hey, Via, can you wait up here for a minute?" She nodded and got off on the second level as I went over to Clarke.


"Pers. I am so sorry. I didn't want any of this to happ-"

"Shut up, Griffin." I wrapped her in a hug as she cried into my leather jacket. "Hey, don't go getting boogers on me okay?" I warned making he laugh slightly.

"Clarke? Hello? Clarke? Clarke, can you hear me?" It was her mom. The radio was back on.

"I'm here." Clarke said as she regained her breathing.

"The- um- the storm is passing." This conversation just went into the category of awkward. Clarke remained silent

"How's Finn doing?" Abby asked, I could tell she just wanted to hear her daughter speak.

"I think he'll be okay."

"That's thanks to you. I'm so proud of you." My heart clenched as I heard Abby so those words to her daughter.

"Clarke, your father would be so proud of you too." Clarke shifted emotions fast as she heard the word father.

"Don't talk about him." Clarke has moved closer to the radio now, leaving me standing next to Finn.

"Clarke, baby, I know something else is wrong. Please tell me what it is."

"Dad's dead because of you. You turned him in. I know it. Wells told me everything before he- he let me believe that he did it, so that I hate him instead of you."

"Clarke, Clarke I need you to listen to me. That was never supposed to happen. Jaha was supposed to talk him out of it-"

"I'm done talking to you." Clarke slammed her hand against the radio power button, turning it off and leaving static to fill the silence as she cried.

"Clarke?" She turned towards me and leaned into my chest as we hugged.

"This is so much better than talking through those horrid vents." I joked putting my chin over her head.


"There's a room where the light won't find you
Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down
When they do I'll be right behind you

So glad we've almost made it
So sad they had to fade it
Everybody wants to rule the world
Everybody wants to rule the world
Everybody wants to rule the world"

I hummed softly in Clarke's ear as I finished singing. My tension, pain, stress, from today fading as I let it all go. Irony striking as the teens upstairs had gone quiet to listen to me sing. Just like back up in the box. Only this time I had one new audience member.

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