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I was the first one into the clearing, that wasn't very clear, the others jogging behind me as I picked up into a sprint. I held tightly to the dagger, something I don't advise to the young-ins, and looked at the scene in front of me.

Jasper lay tied to a dead tree that was short but wide. I knew it was too easy, the grounders wouldn't have just left him. There had to be, traps. Just as I got to the fake floor I jumped up and over it. My momentum carrying me passed the trap and landing near the base of the tree on solid ground. I turned hearing the others taking off at a jog towards us, no one looking at where they were going only where they were headed. Clarke was in front of everyone and quickly approaching the trap.

"Wait! Clar-" I dove trying to catch her as my warning failed. But stopped as Bellamy got to her first. He held onto her and looked at her, I could see the internal battle in his eyes as he held Clarke above the spears.

He glanced up at me as I held my dagger ready to throw if he so much as dropped her an inch. He met my glare with one of his own as he held Clarke up. The muscles in his arm straining as the blonde held onto him.

I could hear Finn yelling, but I couldn't comprehend anything as time stopped. For the first time in my life, I wasn't the one holding the power of someone's life. It was Bellamy, and he was looking at me as I stood on the root of the tree.

"Get her up! Pull her up!" I watched Bellamy snap out of it and start lifting Clarke out of the trap with the help of Finn, Murphy, and Wells. The latter of the three held onto Bellamy's torso, and when Clarke was securely on the ground, snagged his gun. The lift so smooth and quick, I wondered if that's how he found himself to be arrested.

"Let's go. Finn, Murphy, with me. Wells keep an eye on them." I sent him a small wink, his eyes widened when he realized I had caught him in the act.

"Okay, I'll get his hands. You two figure out the bottom section." I commanded the two boys and climbed up to sit right behind the limb that held Jasper's hands and started to carefully cut the vine off.

"You're going to be okay, Jasper. We are getting you down, okay." I whispered in his ear as I worked on the surprisingly tough vine. I began to hum quietly as I worked my dagger through the multiple wraps of vine.

"Hold on tight,
This ride is a wild one,
Make no mistake,
The day will come when you can't cover up what you've done,
Now don't lose your fight, kid,
It only takes a little push to pull on through,
With so much left to do,
You'll be missing out, and we'll be missing you."

I watched a small smile cross Jasper's features as I finished singing to him. I pulled the now cut vine from his hand  and was met with a shocked look from Finn.

"You're her." He gaped.

"Yes, now close your mouth and get to cutting the vine." I gently dropped Jasper's hands and started to climb down the tree when a low growl sounded behind me. And to think, we were about to pull a quick one and save Jasper.

"What the hell was that?" Thinking the same thing Murphy.

"Grounders?" Bellamy's voice was higher than normal, the change showing he was scared or nervous.

"No." I moved around the trap and got in front of Clarke. "Don't worry Fake, you'll be meeting your first real animal." I spoke lowly, rolling my shoulders back as I spotted the panther.

I twirled my dagger in hand and got ready to throw it as the panther came charging towards us.

"Bellamy! Gun!" I wanted to pull mine out and almost did when I saw the panicked look on his face and remembered who had it.

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