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I ran after Charlotte catching up to her just as she made it back to camp. I grabbed her. One arm around her waist the other over her mouth. Her arms pinned to her sides as I pulled her behind a tree. She stopped fighting as I let her go and held her shoulders.

"You are quite the little disappearer. Kept me on my toes all night." I stopped talking when I saw how red her eyes were. "Did you have another nightmare?" She shook her head no but looked away from me.

"Hey, Charlotte. I need you to be honest with me. I'm going to ask you some very pressing questions, but I need you to know that I only want the information to keep an eye on you okay. For your safety." And the rests.


"Good. Easy question, why did you stay after Bellamy told you to go back to camp."

"I-I didn't." I shook my headed and sighed.

"Charlotte, I told you to be honest with me. I saw you, that's why I am asking." She gulped and looked away as I stared into her eyes.

"I stayed because I didn't want to be just the little girl who has to be safety wrapped."

"There, that wasn't so hard. Now I just need you to keep being honest with me for a little while longer and then you can sleep." She nodded, wiping her eyes as I let go of her shoulders. I took a deep breath in and let it out before beginning my interrogation.


I was right, this wasn't going to end well. Her parents were floated and she was sent to the box for assaulting a guard. She didn't give me a direct answer as to where she was, and her explanation on staying after Bellamy had told her to leave was only the half truth.

I silently thanked my instinct as it was able to sense when people were lying or whether or not they were giving the full or half truth. And Charlotte only told me one full truth.

I found myself wandering back to the large log I had vaulted over, remembering the large jacket I had seen on top of it. The color blue and the small glance I had gotten of it made it seem familiar.

I approached the log from the back just like this morning, the closer I got to it the more anxious I felt. Something was wrong, and I could only assume it was Charlotte's fault. But until I could prove it-

"Oh hell." There was the man himself. Wells Jaha, his jacket just above him as he leaned against the log. A stab wound in his neck as well as two missing fingers.

I dropped down to examine the unfortunate kid better. I may not have been a doctor, but I've picked up a thing or too concerning death. The weapon was a knife, the cut to large to be an arrow, to clean to be a spear, and too shallow to be a sword.

And knowing Wells, the person would have had to get close to him in order to kill him. And judging by the dryer spots in his neck, he was still alive when his fingers were sliced off. And the stab was close to the carotid artery but not accurate to instantly kill, leaving me to conclude the murderer was inexperienced.

A good example of inexperienced, has a motive, could get close enough to Wells, seen me mercy kill, and was running away from the crime seen, there was only one person. Unless Clarke somehow had enough and wanted to kill her best friend, the evidence all points to Charlotte. Who did a horrible job if I may say. I just have to find her with the murder weapon and have a trial with the camp to determine her fate. Clarke, Myself, and I guess Bellamy leading it of course.

I grabbed Wells's jacket and slung it over my shoulder before heading into camp. Going to find Bellamy first and then tell Clarke the bad news. I only was going to tell Bellamy, because I want him to dig the grave. After all, it was him who gave Charlotte the idea to "slay" her "demons".

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