It's been a week since Jasper woke up and Wells had been killed. Roughly six days, 18 hours and a few minutes that I've been waiting for Charlotte to slip up.
The wall was nearly finished. The entire week since I told Bellamy and Clarke about Wells, the former had been working the delinquents to exhaustion. With the help of Sergeant Murphy. He had established a new personality under Bellamy. He is now more independent from him but, still a lap dog. The opposite of what I told him he needs to do. He was going to end up hurt because of the Dumbass.
Speaking of the dumbass. Fake and I have avoided contact as much as possible. If I was hunting he would be building the wall and vice versa, if I was talking to Octavia he would be on the other side of camp watching the transaction between us. I think we had a mutual agreement. If he pisses me off, I will not hesitate to beat his ass into the ground.
The only "contact" we've made was the exchange about Wells before I went to Clarke about it. Speaking of Clarke, she has been going out to his grave nearly every morning. I had eventually stopped following her outside of the wall on the third day once I caught her pattern.
But today something was new. She was storming into camp, Finn a meter behind her as they went into the drop ship. I figured it was just a quarrel between the two so I didn't bother dropping the large log on my shoulder as I walked towards the wall.
I ignored the looks as they saw me. Red hair in a high ponytail, makeshift gloves, dagger and sheath attached to my belt, leather jacket and gun in my tent I had traded for Wells's boots, and a giant ass log on my shoulder. Confidently walking without missing a step or bowing at the weight of the wood. I had been paired up with a small gaggle of girls, instructed by Murphy to tie a few bits of the walls together.
Obviously I didn't take that well and told Harper, one of the girls, to cover for me as I walked over to the wood pile being collected. I smirked at the wide eyed stare from Murphy as I stopped in front of him.
"Alright, where do you want this?" I jerked my head to the left where the log rested on my healed shoulder.
"Uh, um..." he shook his head and cleared his throat, "just over there." He pointed towards a corner section that was being worked on.
I gave him a mock salute and turn to walk over there only to crash into a body and nearly fall back had hands not wrapped around my waist. Stabilizing the log and myself, I looked up at Bellamy who also looked at me and together we synchronized, jumping away from each other.
We exchanged a glare before heading in different directions, his was to Murphy as mine was away from Murphy. I walked across the camp towards the small group of boys and dropped the log down behind them.
"Delivery." I laughed as they jumped. "Don't worry, definitely not a grounder." I sent them a wink before turning to grab some water. Just because I wasn't affected by the weight didn't mean I wasn't sweating because of how hot it was.
My glistening arms and face can attest to that. The sun had darkened them, the light tan and freckles crossing them made me seem less pale. But I knew the truth. I reached the water and scooped up a cup and downed it in one go.
Just as I went to walk away back to the wood pile, a loud thud sounded behind me. I turned to see a dark skinned kid dropped on his knees beside a trunk of a tree. Though it was definitely not one of the large ones from the forest, the dead tree was easily a hundred pounds and depending on whether or not it was hollow inside, add an extra seventy pounds. And the kid had been barely carrying it, all by himself. Impressive work ethic.
I recognized the look of exhaustion in his face and grabbed a cup of water to give him when Murphy opened his mouth.
"Hey!" Oh great, I watched Murphy swagger over to the kid. "You think the grounders are gonna sit around and wait until we finish building the wall?" If only they knew it wasn't the grounders. My eyes drifted towards Charlotte who was tying a knot.

Persphyni : I am Darkness
Fanfiction"How you holding up?" "You know. Just stuck in here." "Just one more day and I won't have to worry about your damn sarcasm." "Be quiet, you love me." I headed out of the drop ship, looking up to the darkening sky. Thunder rolling as the dark clo...