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I had just finished tying the rope back onto the tree limb and jumped from the tree.

"Good luck." I said over my shoulder to Atom as he hung from his hands.

"Thanks Atlys, really." I turned around and shot him a smile.

"Just do me a favor. The next time you go round kissing a girl, make sure her brother isn't around." I spun, facing camp and walking away from Atom.

I had let him sleep through the night, staying awake so I could get him up when light first broke. The second night of no sleep on the ground and I was definitely feeling the effects the closer I got to camp. The stillness of it all made me smile, seeing teens passed out here and there.

And then a loud moan filled the air. Jasper. I quietly ran towards the drop ship, avoiding the people sleeping outside and inside the ship and climbed up the ladder to see Jasper.

He looked so pale, his face was covered in sweat and his breath shaky. He let out another low moan, the sound echoing through the ship.

I grabbed the cloth sitting in a bowl of water and set it on his forehead. Hoping that this was helping and not hurting as I had never actually been in this position before. There's that word again, hope.

I don't know how long I stood there, replacing the wet cloth and humming to the teen. But by the time Clarke showed up I had began to fall asleep standing up.

"Hey. Pers. Why don't you go take a nap?" A nap sounded amazing.

"Okay. Does anyone have a blanket?" I mumbled, stretching as I backed away to let Clarke do her healing thing. I heard her chuckle softly bringing a smile to my face as I climbed down the drop ship until I was outside. I could feel my eyes giving up as I walked towards Finn. His back was facing me, but I recognized his mop of hair.

"Yo, Finn." I made my way toward him and draped an arm around his shoulders. "I need a blanket." I whispered like it was some secret. But really I was just too damn tired to speak normally.

"Okay." He whispered back, covering his mouth with his hand as he did. If I was more awake I would have hit him for mocking me. But between not sleeping for nearly a whole week in anticipation for my death and then being too excited and alert to sleep down here. I was exhausted, not to mention the large amount of running and saving people I've been doing. I should take a break.

I heard footsteps approach me as I leaned against a tree. My eyes closed as I crossed my arms.

"Already back with a blanket, I really do like when you follow orders." I smiled and stuck a hand out for Finn to pass the blanket only to be met with a warm body. My eyes snapped open, suddenly very awake as I looked up into the brown eyes of the Bellamy Blake. Thank you Atom.

I yanked my hand away almost funny at how fast I did it. Bellamy only sent me a smirk followed by a raised eyebrow.

"I thought shadows only come out in the day and sleep at night?" I didn't even have the energy to will myself to roll my eyes.

"Shadows are always about, Blake. You're just too daft to see them." I so was high-fiving myself after he left.

"I see you've learned my last name." I scrunched my eyebrows, that was it. Just the observation.

"Well done at observing, now if only I could get you and your lovely little sister to do that more often in dangerous scenarios." That did it. There's the rise I was wanting. He stepped closer to me and glared, the action waking me up almost instantly as I stepped until the toe of my left boot was touching the toes of his right, and vice versa.

"What are you gonna do, huh? You know I saved both you and your sister in the course of two days. If I wasn't told I would have figured it out anyways. Like brother, like sister. Oh, speaking of sister, how is Atom?" His jaw clenched and I couldn't help the smirk that grew.

"Stay out of my business." He growled.

"It becomes my business, when I get involved." We remained standing there glaring at the other until finally Bellamy scoffed and walked off in the direction of Atom.

When he left I felt tired all over again, only it was much more aggressive to where I couldn't keep my eyes open.

"Here, A." I felt a warm fluffy thing land on my face seconds after Finn through it. "I had to sneak into Bellamy's tent. I was shocked to see he wasn't there." I pulled the blanket from my face and cracked an eye open to look at Finn.

"That's cause he was here, with me. Annoying as hell." I spat before tucking the blanket in my arm.

"Thank you, Finn. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a spot to find. I'll be up in about an hour or two. Wake me up if I'm not." I stumbled as I pushed off from the tree. Nothing would have made this worse than tripping over with Finn watching. So I took slow and careful steps, ignoring the small snickers from the boy behind me.

When I finally found the spot, I laid the blanket down and sat on it with my back pressed against a tree. When I got comfortable I threw my hair into a bun and wrapped my legs and torso with the blanket. Once I was snuggled into the makeshift nap spot, I closed my eyes and vanished to a world of darkness.

Hello, my old friend.

Persphyni : I am DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now