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Third person view

A beacon powered by gold blocks instead of iron blocks is on top of a snowy mountain.

Suddenly, lightning strikes it, and someone appears on top of the beacon.

Herobrine walks off the beacon platform and steps in the snow.

Someone watches from behind the bushes.

Herobrine senses a presence and stops walking. He draws out his sword as he turns around.

A Voltaris stands there, his diamond sword drawn.

The Voltaris raises his sword, and points it at Herobrine. A Song begins charging up.

Herobrine dissapears through lightning as an energy ball fires out of the Voltaris' sword.

The Voltaris draws out Voltar, and looks around, waiting for Herobrine to appear again.

Suddenly, lightning strikes beside the Voltaris, and the Voltaris rolls away as Herobrine's sword swings right over him.

The Voltaris fires a laser beam at Herobrine with Voltar, and Herobrine disappears again with another strike of lightning.

The Voltaris looks to the side, and Herobrine appears right in his face. The Voltaris uses a Mobilum Song, and teleports away to dodge Herobrine's sword.

Herobrine looks around, not sure where the Voltaris went.

Suddenly, the ground beneath Herobrine rises, and he is thrown off the ground. The Voltaris flies towards him with another Mobilum Song, and kicks Herobrine mid-air.

Herobrine falls onto the snow below, and rolls for a bit before coming to a stop.

The Voltaris lands beside him as the glowing golden wings made out of energy behind his back fade away. Herobrine staggers up, but the Voltaris knocks him down again. The Voltaris raises his sword, and Herobrine raises his sword to disappear through lightning, but is too slow, and the sword goes through his body.

Herobrine continues lying there. His glowing eyes fade out, revealing navy blue eyes. He looks up at the Voltaris as he pants softly.

The Voltaris pulls out his sword, and Herobrine closes his eyes forever.

Another Voltaris walks up to them. ' Is he dead?'

' Yes. Go round the other Voltaris up to study this beacon.'

' It should take us somewhere around Ardonia.'

' I doubt it. He doesn't seem like he was from around here.' he looks towards Herobrine.

' Where do you think it leads, Ingressus?'

Ingressus turns back to the beacon.
' I'm sure we're about to find out soon, Senn.'

Senn nods, and they begin walking away.

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