Returning From Exile

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/A/N/ A picture would totally spoil the whole chapter, so...

Third person view

Vulcannus walks around the city of Nazgard.

Suddenly, a shadow casts over him. He looks up as a figure flies over him,heading towards the throne room.


Vulcannus enters the throne room, Netherblade drawn.

A figure sits on top of the throne.
I've been waiting for you, King Vulcannus.

' I thought the Angel of Death was the only one left. But I see there are still more of your kind.'

We have been hiding in the deep caves of the Nether. But we will hide no longer. We will take back what was once ours: the Nether.

' Hate to break it to you, but I don't think you're supposed to be sitting up there.'

The Dark Angels once ruled this realm.  The figure gets up. And we created everything here, except the city of course. Your ancestors built this disgusting place.

' Well, I don't think it's disgusting.'

It is. Whatever the Netherans built is disgusting. We created you, and you hunted us down, almost bringing my kind to extinction!

' Pretty sure you've had a lot of time to repopulate: it's been 5000 years.'

That doesn't matter. What matters is we created your kind, and you repay us by slaughtering us.

' What do you want?'

I already told you: we want to reclaim the Nether.

' I'm afraid I can't let you do that.'

The figure spreads it's wings while drawing out both it's blades, and flies at incredible speed towards Vulcannus. Vulcannus rolls to the side, evading the attack.

Vulcannus looks up as more Dark Angels fly over the city of Nazgard and kill many Netherans.

/A/N/ Okay, I'm just going to say the figure's name, or it will be too hard to write.

Warning: I couldn't come up with a better name for this guy.

The Angel of Darkness attacks again, and Vulcannus jumps over the sword as it swings below him. He lands back on his feet and switches to a bow.

He fires an enchanted arrow at the Angel of Darkness, but it turns to the side, avoiding it, and swoops down on Vulcannus again.

Vulcannus switches back to his Netherblade and tries to cut it's wings off, but the Angel of Darkness foresees this and evades to the side.

Vulcannus groans in frustration. He switches to his bow, but another one comes from behind him and knocks him down.

Vulcannus rolls to the side, avoiding the Dark Angel's swords. He then switches back to his Netherblade and slices it's wings off.

The Angel of Darkness swoops down and kicks Vulcannus to the side. Vulcannus hits the throne, and raises his sword just in time to block the Angel of Darkness' sword. However, it uses it's other sword to stab Vulcannus' arm.

Vulcannus groans in pain, and loosens his grip on his sword. The Angel of Darkness pushes him back onto the throne.

You're weak.

' Am I?'

Vulcannus swings his sword forward, cutting the Angel of Darkness slightly.


The Angel of Darkness flies forward, and pushes Vulcannus against the throne, chocking him.

Suddenly, they hear a roar behind them.

The Angel of Darkness looks up and sees the Dark Angels being killed by Abbigail, who is on Luna, using the Enderblade.

Two more dragons fly up, with Saxon and Trevor on them.

Abbigail jumps off Luna, and lands on one knee. She charges at the Angel of Darkness, who releases Vulcannus to evade the attack.

' Queen-' Vulcannus coughs, 'Abbigail?'

The Angel of Darkness flies towards Abbigail, who ducks as he flies over, and draws her bow to fire an arrow.
The Angel of Darkness uses one of it's swords to deflect the arrow.

Abbigail turns to Vulcannus, ' Come on, we need to get out of here!'

Vulcannus nods as he gets up, and Luna lands beside them.

The Angel of Darkness flies towards them as Vulcannus gets up onto Luna, but Saxon flies between them with his dragon, and blocks it's swords.

Both Vulcannus and Abbigail are back on Luna, and they fly towards the closest portal.

Saxon retreats as well, along with Trevor. All four of them disappear through the portal.

A few Dark Angels chase after them, but the Angel of Darkness uses telepathy to tell them, Don't give chase. We don't have enough forces to take into the Overworld.

They all stop, and turn towards the Angel of Darkness for further instructions.

Kill every remaining Netheran in the city, spare no one.


All the three dragons land on top of a hill.

' How did you know I was in trouble?' Vulcannus asks the Enderqueen.

' I don't know, I just felt like you needed help. What were those things anyway? I haven't seen one of those since the Second Great War.'

' They were Dark Angels. Their kind once ruled over the Nether, and they were the creators of Netherans, Withers, Wither skeletons, Blazes, ... I thought they had gone extinct, but I was wrong.'

' What do we do about them?' Trevor asks.

Vulcannus shakes his head. ' They will kill all the Netherans in Nazgard.'

' Why would they do that?' Saxon asks.

' Years ago, my great-great-great-grandfather hunted  down all the Dark Angels. After they were thought to be all gone, he claimed his place as King of the Nether. They want revenge.'

' So, what do we do now?' Abbigail asks Vulcannus.

A messenger bird flies towards them.
It gives a letter to Abbigail.

Abbigail reads it out loud.

' Queen Abbigail,

There is a new threat in Ardonia, and we need the Prime Songs.

Meet me as soon as possible.

Senn Voltaris.'

Abbigail pockets the paper. ' Oh, I'm sure that can wait.'

' But he said there's a new threat in Ardonia,' Trevor says worriedly.

' I'm pretty sure they can handle it themselves. What's important now is how to help Vulcannus reclaim the Nether. We can't let those winged creatures do whatever they want.'

/A/N/ This arc was pretty much a thing to keep Abbigail occupied.

And I'm sure it's pretty obvious who sent that letter.

I kind of wanted to explore the Angel of Death's species.

The Angel of Death never spoke, so I assumed the Dark Angels use telepathy to communicate. I hope everyone can tell which is when they talk and which isn't.

The Dark Angels were kind of a last minute addition to the story because I thought the Enderknights and the Nether never really appeared much during this story.

The Enderknights are like, 60 or 70 years old now, but because they are Enderknights, they can live up to 300 years like Ardoni. Don't question my decision, I need the Enderknights to stay young so it makes more sense.

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