The Masters

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Senn's p.o.v

' A member of my clan was attacked by a Voltaris two days ago. What do you have to say about that, Senn?' Cieden Mendoris yells at me.

I open my mouth to protest, but Aurelius answers before me. ' Don't be so hasty, Cieden. Maybe Senn doesn't even know anything about the attack.'

Slyvia Sendaris nods, ' I agree with you, Aurelius. It was only one Voltaris, right?'

Well, thank god everyone else believes I'm innocent. I never heard about an attack at Mendoria until 15 seconds ago.

Aurelius turns to Reya Kaltaris, who is standing in the corner, quiet as usual.
' What about you, Reya?'

Reya thinks for a moment before answering. ' I think Senn is innocent here.'

Cieden slams both his fists on the table, and accidentally summons his Agressium Song. The table rumbles as red energy flow towards the edges like ripples.

/A/N/ His Agressium Song is Aggroquake.

' Woah, woah! Chill!' Slyvia, who was leaning on the table, quickly takes a few steps back.

' Sorry...' Cieden looks down at the table. ' I'm just...worried about my clan...'

' I know, Cieden,' Aurelius places his hand on his shoulder, ' It's hard when you have just become the master one month ago. I myself have gone through this experience.'

/A/N/ The masters used to always be the same age. But after Ingressus killed the masters of the Kaltaris, Sendaris and Mendoris clan, they were replaced with younger Ardoni, so Aegus was kind of the old one among them. When Aegus died and was replaced by Aurelius, the other clan masters were still kind of young. I hope you get what I mean.

Aurelius is the oldest among them, around 300+ years old ( masters can live up to 400 years ). Senn is around 70+, the same age as Slyvia, who became Sendaris master shortly after the Second Great War. Siderian had died 1 month ago, and Cieden took his place, and he's the youngest among them. Reya became the master of the Kaltaris clan around 5 years ago, so she's the second youngest.

Cieden looks up at Aurelius. ' I'm just...'

' I will look into this attack,' I tell him. ' Do you have any information on this Voltaris that could help? A name perhaps?'

' Amora is still healing in Mendoria. You can ask her for more information if you want.'

' Okay, I will.'

We all turn to Aurelius. He gets our meaning. ' You're all dismissed.'


I mount Timber, ready to set off to Mendoria.

' Wait, Senn!'

I look further down in the distance.
' Slyvia?'

She pants as she reaches the stables, and puts a hand on the wall to support herself. ' I'm coming with you.'

' Why?'

She looks away. ' I just... Want to look into the attack as well...'

I shrug. ' Then get on up your horse.'

She lightens up, and mounts her horse, Midnight. ' Let's go!'


The trees that surround Mendoria soon come into view. ' We're here.'

' Finally! We've been on the road for days!'

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