The Other Dimension

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Third person view

In the End, Pythus, Vulcannus, Abbigail, Denny, Saxon, Trevor, Galleous and Achillean are gathered in a room.

' The Voltaris haven't made a single move, it's bothering me,' Pythus tells the group.

' Maybe they're preparing for a large scale attack...' Abbigail agrees.

' Should we go investigate?' Denny asks them.

' It could be dangerous sending our forces to the Overworld,' Vulcannus tells them.

' But if we take the risk, we could prevent a greater loss,' Galleous says.

' So... Who do we send?' Abbigail asks.

' I'll go,' Achillean raises his hand.

Pythus thinks for a moment. ' Very well.'

' I guess that settles things,' Abbigail says.


Achillean's ( OD ) p.o.v

I quietly sneak to where the Voltaris were last seen. I pass by the Walls of Time, or at least what remains of it.

I reach the peak of the mountain, and see the beacon that we used the summon him.

That reminds me, he hasn't shown up in a while. I wonder what's keeping him occupied...

Suddenly, I hear someone talking. I quickly hide behind the closest tree.

' Did you see something?'

' I don't think so...'

' Huh...'

I hear their voices coming closer. I hold my breath, too scared to breathe.

' Come on, Ingressus told us to find a way to use this beacon to travel to any dimension he wants.'

' Why?'

' You weren't listening? There's more Prime Songs out there. If Ingressus can gain access to multiple dimensions, he could claim probably an infinite number of Prime Songs.'

An infinite amount of Prime Songs? Multiple dimensions? What was Ingressus up to?

I peek from behind the tree. The two Voltaris were working around the beacon. But most importantly, they were unarmed.

I could take them down, and find out whatever they are doing with that beacon.

I quietly make my way around the trees, and try to get closer to them.


You've got to be kidding me...

' Who's there?!'

Stupid branch!

I hear their footsteps in the snow, they were coming closer.

Without thinking, I summon my Mobilum Song, and create multiple platforms, each one boosting my speed, and head towards the direction I came from. I had to get out of here as quickly as possible.

' It's Achillean!'

Suddenly, a Song flies towards me. The red energy ball hits my platform, creating a small explosion. I fall off the platform and land on the snow below.

My ears were ringing, my vision was all blurred.

Come on, Achillean... You have to get out of here... You have to report this to Pythus...

I stagger up, but fall back down, and everything blacks out before me.


Third person view

Somewhere in the Nether...

A figure stands on top of a hill of netherack, overlooking the city of Nazgard.

Another figure walks up to him.
' Everyone's in position.'

' Then we attack immediately. It's time we return from exile.'

The figure spreads it's wings, and draws out two blades made of blackstone.

/A/N/ Just introducing two new arcs.

I feel like it's a bit obvious what the figure is...

And the figure isn't from the other dimension!

Just in case you don't know, Nazgard is the Nether city that Vulcannus rules currently.

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