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Senn's (OD) p.o.v

It's been a two weeks since Ingressus went towards the End. I insisted on going as well despite my injuries, but Almrak told Ingressus to let me stay here so I could heal.

Almrak finishes using his Supporium Song. ' It should take a couple of days more to fully heal, maybe weeks,' he tells me.

' Is it that bad?'

' Of course it is, if not you would be out of this room by now,' he turns to leave the room.

Just before he leaves the room, I call out to him, ' Almrak.'

' What?' he turns around.

' Loran told me something.'

' What did he tell you?'

' He said you're-'

The Voltaris from last time runs in,
' The rest of them have returned!'

For once, can this guy stop interrupting me??

I get up, and place my hand on the wound as I walk. Almrak comes beside me, then supports me.


In the meeting room, Ingressus, Loran, Tygren, Zinaida, Lucidius, Deltheus and me are gathered around the table.

' So...how'd it go in the End?' I ask.

' We didn't manage to eliminate the Knights of Ardonia,' Tygren tells me.

' But it wasn't all for nothing. Abbigail, the leader of the Enderknights, is dead. I killed her myself,' Loran says.

' You killed Abbigail?' Ingressus glances towards Loran, who just has a blank look on his face. Ingressus gives a light laugh, ' I guess blood does run in the family.'

' I don't recall seeing half the Knights of Ardonia in the battle,' Lucidius says.

' Galleous, Masani and Vulcannus probably didn't even know the End was attacked. Trevor is most possibly dead and Achillean is in the other dimension,' I tell him.

' Though...there is someone new. A Kaltaris, her markings in a "y". Do you know anything about her, Senn?' Ingressus turns to me.

No, I don't think I do... But that does seem... The thought hits me, ' Wasn't that the Kaltaris that came with-'

' I realised that,' Ingressus says.

' Well, she seems close to your "son",' Tygren tells me.

' Didn't they come together with Achillean and Abbigail as well?' I ask.

' Before that, they came before. Both of them only. When you weren't here,' Zinaida says.

' So they should be close. Maybe friends? Partners?' Deltheus says.

' Her name is Nalla. I think,' Tygren says, ' Your "son" mentioned her name before.'

' The Sendaris' name is Elion,' I tell him, ' And yes, her name is Nalla.'

' You know anything about her?' Ingressus asks me.

' Not really. The Senn from this dimension didn't mention her much in his dairy. And I don't think I've ever met her while I was still with the Knights of Ardonia in our dimension.'

' It's most possibly her, but her markings were in a different shade of green, and her horns were longer. I don't think it's her,' Ingressus says.

' Maybe it's someone related to her, elder sister perhaps? Or mother?' Deltheus says.

' Maybe.'


As I'm prepared to go back to the healing room, I see Almrak in the distance.

Loran did say Almrak was up to something.

I see Almrak talking to the Voltaris who always interrupted us whenever I want to ask him. He then walks away.

I quickly grab my sword from the table right next to the doorway of the healing room, and go after him.

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