Taking Cydonia

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/A/N/ I may edit some previous chapters, because there's been a change in the storyline.

And everyone in this chapter is from the other dimension, I'm lazy to put (OD) in the third person view parts.

Galleous' (OD) p.o.v

Senn hasn't shown up yet. I wonder where the Voltaris have been recently, but it's an opportunity to claim Cydonia.

Trevor tosses me some TNT. I catch it and throw it towards the beacon. Vulcannus fires a flaming arrow, which flies past it, igniting the TNT. It lands on the beacon, exploding near it, but not enough.

' That's not going to be enough to destroy the beacon!' Vulcannus fires an arrow behind me. I turn around and see the arrow kill a Voltaris I didn't notice.

' We're going to have to get close enough and mine it down!' I tell them.

' But that would leave us exposed! It would take a while to mine down that beacon!' Trevor says.

' Go! We'll cover you three!' Abbigail says as she and Pythus jump down beside them from Luna, who burns some Voltaris as she flies over.

' We don't have a pickaxe now!' Vulcannus tells her.

' I'm sure there's one in the city somewhere... The blacksmith! Where's the blacksmith?' I ask them.

' Somewhere south of the city! That's a long way from here!' Trevor tells me.

' Well, it would take ages to mine that beacon without one, and we'll be exposed even longer!' I say.

' Trevor, go there using your dragon!' Abbigail turns to her Enderknight.

Trevor runs off. His dragon swoops down, and he jumps on him before flying off.

We continue fighting off Voltaris while waiting for Trevor to return.
Even without Senn here, there is a number of them, which causes a problem.

Suddenly, a Song comes towards me. I roll out of the way to avoid the lightning. Vulcannus draws out his bow, and fires an arrow at the Voltaris, killing him.

Trevor flies over. ' Here!' he drops a diamond pickaxe from the sky, which I catch.

' Go! I'll watch your back!' Vulcannus tells me.

I rush towards the beacon, evading attacks from some Voltaris. I look back for a moment as Vulcannus swings his axe around, killing off the Voltaris.

I reach the beacon, and plant the pickaxe into it. I rapidly hit the beacon with the pickaxe, and soon it starts to crack.

Before I can fully break it, another Song is fired at me, this time Aggroblast instead of Aggroshock. I am pushed back, and slide on the ground before hitting a wall.

I look behind and see Vulcannus fighting off a few Voltaris with his axe.

He looks in my direction, and realises I'm down. I mouth to him, ' The beacon.'

He seems to understand, as he nods, and throws his axe towards the beacon.

The axe deals the final blow to the beacon, fully cracking it, and the beacon explodes with energy.

The force blows everyone back, including the Voltaris. I hit a wall, which hurts my back.

The energy dissipates, and everything returns to silence.

I get back to my feet and turn to the side. Vulcannus staggers up.

A few Voltaris begin running towards Vulcannus, who now only has his bow to defend himself.

Pythus runs in, holding the Netherblade in a defensive pose.

The Voltaris ignore him, and continue rushing forward.

Pythus swings his sword around, killing off the Voltaris one by one.

The last one runs behind him, but Abbigail slides in, kicking his feet and knocking him down. ' No, you don't!'

Pythus spins around, and kills the Voltaris easily.

All of us try to catch our breath. There seems to be no more Voltaris. Not complaining though, it was an exhausting battle.

' Brother? Are you alright?' Pythus asks Vulcannus as he holds out his hand.

' Yeah, I'm fine,' Vulcannus grabs his hand and gets up. ' Thanks for saving my life back there.'

' You're welcome.'

Third person view

A Voltaris watches from a corner. He turns around, and runs away in a hurry.


Senn's (OD) p.o.v

I arrive at Hailstone through the beacon from the Heart of Ardonia. This city was pretty much abandoned, though some Voltaris still do live around here. Not seeing anyone else though.

I walk away from the beacon. As much as I know I'm probably going to get it from Ingressus for failing to retrieve K'arthen, I still have to go meet him.

Third person view

A few minutes after Senn has left the center square, Masani arrives through the beacon as well.

She has lost sight of Senn, so she heads off towards a tower.


Masani reaches the top of the tower and looks down. She finally spots Senn walking out of the city.

She slides down the wall, and lands on her feet below.

Senn turns around, having heard something. Masani hides behind a wall.

Senn brushes it off, and walks off.

After sighing in relief, Masani rushes after him.

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