The Strain Of The Songs

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Amora's p.o.v

I release the arrow.

After another week of training, Argus puts up his shield for the first time. It remains for a moment, but before it can block the arrow, disappears out of existence. The arrow flies right past his face, hitting the tree.

' Well, too bad...' I lower my bow.

Argus sighs.

Suddenly, we hear a rustle in the bushes.

Remembering the last time I was attacked, I quickly turn around to run.

' Wait, where are you going?' I don't think he noticed.

I turn back and grab his hand. ' Come on!'

He is surprised for a moment, and has no time to react as I pull him into the bushes on the opposite side.

We wait for a moment.

A Kaltaris and a Sendaris come out.

Just as I'm about to let out a sigh of relief, a Voltaris follows behind them.

' Where are we now?' the Sendaris asks.

The Kaltaris looks around. ' I think we're in-'

' Mendoria,' the Voltaris cuts her off.

' I was about to say that,' the Kaltaris grumbles.

The Voltaris ignores her. ' At least we know our location now. Where do you guys plan on going?'

' We're not exactly sure...' the Kaltaris tells him. ' We already told you, we set out to find Ky' Ria. Didn't really plan ahead.'

Ky' Ria? Why does that name sound so familiar?

' So you guys going to Sendaria or something? She may be there,' the Voltaris says.

' We told you. She wasn't,' the Sendaris tells him, sounding slightly annoyed.

' Then what about New Voltaria? Maybe she went to see Father or something.'

' Not there either.'

' Well, then check again. She has to be somewhere.'

The Sendaris opens his mouth to continue the argument, but the Kaltaris holds up both her hands.
' Oh, will you two stop for 5 seconds?!'

The Sendaris and the Voltaris cross their arms and turn away from each other.

I notice the Sendaris' and Voltaris' markings are similar, so they must be related. Their markings do look very familiar though...

' Well, I guess we could head back to Sendaria. Not like we're getting anywhere with the Voltaris anyway- no offense, Keiran.'

The Voltaris, Keiran, shrugs. ' Well, I won't be going back there with you guys. I still haven't found who I'm looking for.'

Nalla's p.o.v

I'm still curious who this "Elena" is. Keiran did mention he loved her, but what did she have with Elion?

Well, they did mention she was a Sendaris, so they were probably childhood friends or something, but the way they put it seems likes she was something more to both of them, not just Keiran, but to Elion as well.

' Well, so I guess this is where we part ways,' I say.

' Have any more supplies? Might save me another risky trip to New Voltaria.'

I pull out some more bread from my inventory and toss it to him. ' Fine. But this is the last time!'

Elion looks up. ' Wait, you've been giving him supplies?'

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