New Friends

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Argus' p.o.v

I sit up lazily from my bed. As I rub my eyes, I realise I'm not in my room.

Oh, right... That Mendoris female let me stay in her room last night. I never got her name, but she seems like a nice person.

I get out of bed and walk out of the room. The sun has rised, but she isn't back yet. Unless she did come back, but left again, I guess...


Amora's p.o.v

I open my eyes sleepily. I look around and realise I'm outside. Must've fallen asleep again... Guess that's what happens when you don't sleep for a couple of nights.

I close the book in my hands and get up.


I walk with my back slouched towards my room, using the alleys of course, the main path is already kind of crowded.

I reach my room, and see a Nestoris sitting on my brother's bed.

Oh, I totally forgot about him...

He looks up, noticing me. ' Good morning...?'

Do I say "good morning" back? I don't know, I'm not good with talking to others, especially strangers.

I end up not saying anything.

I walk to the other end of the room and begin making my arrows. Not that I need them now, I just want to do something.

The room is silent for a long time.

At least he's not a talkative type. I'd probably go insane if he was.

He pulls out a book and begins reading.

Argus' p.o.v

This is awkward...

She doesn't respond, and instead walks to the other side of the room to a fletching table, and begins making some arrows.

She makes them real fast. In no time she has already finished a couple. She must have been doing this for ages...

The room is so silent...

Should I start a conversation?

I instead pull out my book to read.

Why am I so bad at this...

Amora's p.o.v

I eye the title of the book he's reading out of curiosity.

All About Songs

Huh, why is he reading that? I've read that once, kind of boring since it doesn't really talk all about Songs. It mostly talks about the discovery of Songs, the history and all that stuff, but no tips on how to wield them. Not exactly the best title for that book.

He looks up from his book, and I quickly turn back to making my arrows.

Argus' p.o.v

I think I should really start talking here, it's getting really awkward...

' Have you read this before?' I ask.

She turns around, ' Well, once... Not type of book...'

' Well, I've read it...probably a thousand times...'

' Is it that interesting?'

' I guess I'm just...really interested in... the nature of Songs...'

' Do you have any?'

' I...uh...have one...'

She looks more interested. ' Really? What Song is it?'

' Protesphere...'

' The one that...surrounds the user in... a portable bubble?'

' Yeah...'

' That's a...umm...useful one.'

' What about you? Do you...have any?'

' Just a Supporium Song, Supporosight.'

' Helps you see in the dark.'

' Yeah.'

' Kind of useful too.'

' It is when... I go out at night and... can't see anything.'

' So...umm... My name is Argus... What'' I finally build up the courage to ask her her name.

' Amora, Amora Mendoris.'

' Oh, we're...including our clan names. I'm Argus Nestoris then.'

' Why did you want to see Ky' Val?'

' I...umm...wanted to learn how to...wield my Song...'

' So you don't know how to...wield it yet?' she asks, looking a bit surprised.

' No...not yet... I just got it like...three weeks ago...'

Amora's p.o.v

I think deeply for a moment.

' Do you...umm...want me to teach you then?' I ask.

' Really?'

' I do...kind of know...a bit about wielding them... Besides, I'm not... really a...busy person...'

' Well, I guess... I accept?'

' Okay then, but only until Ky' Val comes back.'

He nods.

/A/N/ It's totally obvious where I'm going with this...

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