Nalla Kaltaris

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/A/N/ I tried my best to draw her. My art style is kind of a manga style, so the eyes are kind of big, but I tried my best, okay? I just wanted everyone to kind of have a picture of how she looks like. ( I don't have blender. Drawing her like this is kind of fun anyway. )

I know Ardoni don't have hair in Minecraft, but I just found adding hair making it look better. I'm not going to add hair for the male characters though, I'm bad at drawing male hair.

Third person view

' And that is the story of the first and second Great War...' a Kaltaris finishes her story.

Two young Ardoni sit in bed in front of her. A Nestoris stands in the corner of the room, listening to the story given by the Kaltaris as well.

' Wow... That was epic...' one of the kids claps her hands.

' Come on, Kassa. We listen to it every night,' the other kid rolls her eyes.

Kassa ignores her sister's comment.
' Will we get to see the Prime Songs ever again?'

The Kaltaris, their mother, strokes Kassa's hair. ' No, they have been locked away in the End for 30 years. No one is to wield them.'

' They sound really dangerous...' Kassa says.

The Nestoris, their father, walks up from the corner. ' They are, darling. They were the reason the Deathsinger did what he did, and also the reason the other clan masters banished the Voltaris in the first place.'

' The Prime Songs corrupt us, turn us into something we're not, something bad. So, we must do what we can to stay away,' the Kaltaris adds.

The Kaltaris stands up from sitting on Kassa's bed. ' Now go to sleep, you two. It's late.'

' But I don't want to...' Kassa grumbles.

The other kid makes herself comfortable in bed. ' Good night.'

' Good night, Nalla,' the Kaltaris smiles. She turns back to Kassa. ' Just go to sleep, we have a big day tomorrow.'

The Kaltaris leaves the room with the Nestoris.


20 years later...

Nalla's p.o.v

I slowly open my eyes. It was still early in the morning.

I sit upright in bed and turn to the side. Kassa is still asleep.

I get out of bed and take my sword from beside my bed. I put it on my back, and walk out of the room.

It was a quiet and peaceful morning in Kaltaria. Not going to be here long though.

I head to the stables and find my horse, Shade.

' Come on, let's go before the sun rises.'

I mount Shade, and head off to Sendaria. It was quite a distance from here.


I've been riding for a couple hours, and the sun is already rising. So much for making it there before sunrise.

The familiar trees that surround Sendaria come into view. I had finally arrived.

I stop on top of a hill, overlooking the view of Sendaria. A few Ardoni are already starting to come out of their rooms. I was a bit later than usual today.

I ride Shade towards the stables and put her there. I then head towards a clearing in Sendaria, where I would always meet him.

/A/N/ It's the same clearing Senn and Ria were first seen in the series.

From the top of the hill, I see a Sendaris, waiting for me.

The Third Great War-Songs of War fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now