Taking Action

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Sylvia's p.o.v

' So...you're saying there's a group of Voltaris at the Walls of Time, and the Deathsinger is with them?' Cieden asks.

' Yes...' I say.

' Where's Senn?' Reya glances towards where Senn would usually stand.

' I don't know, I did sent a messenger bird to New Voltaria to tell him of this meeting, however I don't think he's going to show up,' I tell them, ' But I have already told him about the Voltaris there, maybe he's going there to check it out or something.'

I leave out the part where the Voltaris mentioned Senn. He had enough to deal with already, and telling the other masters about that would only make it worse.

' What must we do, Aurelius?' Cieden asks. All three of us look towards him.

' We could gather all the Ardoni warriors,' Aurelius suggests, ' But if the Deathsinger is there, it's likely we won't stand a chance.'

' Didn't Sylvia say the Tidesinger is also alive?' Cieden mentions.

' Yes, we ran into him when we were attacked,' I say.

' Where is he now?' Aurelius asks.

' He's in Sendaria with Ria,' I tell them.

' Then we go see him at once,' Cieden says.

Aurelius nods. Me and Reya follow his opinion.


Third person view

In the other dimension, Senn (OD) walks up into the clearing where many of the Voltaris are gathered. They stop what they are doing and glance towards him.

Senn (OD) enters one of the caves, and places the half red, half blue enchanted diamond sword on a table.

' Some survivors told me you failed to retrieve K'arthen,' a familiar voice echos through the room.

' They knocked me out, and I doubt the remaining Voltaris could do anything against the Knights of Ardonia.' Senn (OD) turns around to face Ingressus (OD).

' Word has also arrived that the Knights of Ardonia have taken Cydonia as well.'

' What did you expect? Once they take K'arthen, Cydonia is cut off, leaving the Voltaris there with no way of getting backup. And if I'm not there, they would have taken it easily.'

Masani (OD) hides behind a wall, eavesdropping on their conversation.

Another Voltaris is poised on the wall, using his Mobilium Song to stick to the wall, listening to the conversation as well.

' You didn't tell me Achillean came here.'

' We managed to lock him up, but he somehow managed to escape.'

' Lock him up? I'm surprised you didn't kill him, with you avenging your father and all.'

Hearing this, Masani (OD) sighs in relief.

' He knows where the Ender portal is, I couldn't just kill him.'

' Though I do wonder...if you found the Ender portal in the other dimension, could the Ender portal here be in the same location?'

Masani's (OD) heart drops after hearing this. She didn't know what they meant about the other dimension, but she understood that the Voltaris could very well discover the portal to the End, where most of the population in Ardonia that weren't Voltaris were hiding in.

' That would make sense. I'll go check that place out myself. Anyway, why don't you head back there. I'm sure Abbigail would've responded by now.'

Masani (OD) is extremely confused at the mention of Abbigail.

' She has, I got it the same time your messenger bird arrived.'

' Alright then.'

Senn (OD) walks towards Masani (OD). She begins backing up, but it would be too late to leave now.

The Voltaris from earlier notices this. He stops powering his Song, and drops in front of Senn (OD), who takes a step back in surprise. Masani (OD) is surprised as well.

' Sorry about that...' the Voltaris is talking to Senn (OD), but glances towards Masani (OD), signalling for her to leave.

Masani (OD) nods, and turns to run.

' It's alright, Loris, just be more careful next time.'

The Voltaris, Loris, nods.

' What are you doing in here anyway?' Senn (OD) asks.

' I must have got lost...'

Senn (OD) glances back towards the room he just left, and notices Ingressus (OD) is gone. He turns back towards Loris (OD).

' I know that look. Tell me.'

' It's the truth.'

' You grew up here. Don't act like I'm-'

' Okay, I was listening to you and Ingressus!'

Senn (OD) raises an eyebrow, not fully convinced.

' You know me, I'm always curious what you and the other Voltaris are up to,' the younger Voltaris adds.

' Fine then, just make sure Ingressus doesn't find out.'

Senn (OD) walks past him, and out of the room.

Loris (OD) sighs in relief, and then walks after him.

/A/N/ New Song:

Mobilistick allows the user to stick onto a wall or ceiling without dropping to the floor. You should know where the inspiration came from.

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