Kassa Kaltaris

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Nalla's p.o.v

' Are we there yet?' Elion asks.

' No, we're not.'

' You sure? We've been walking for ages...'

' Walking. That's why it's taking ages. I wonder if Shade, Sliver, Timber and Midnight are alright up there...'

' I don't think anyone will see four horses as a threat...'

I look further ahead and notice a familiar tree.

' Kaltaria...'

' What?' I don't think he heard me, considering I kind of whispered it.

' Kaltaria.' I repeat, louder this time.

We walk into the village. A few familiar faces wave to me, and I wave back.

I head towards the blacksmith. Kassa is at the corner of the room, working on a pickaxe.

' Kassa.'

She looks up. ' Nalla!' she runs forward and pulls me into a hug.
' You've been gone for two weeks!'

We hold the hug for a moment, and then she lets go. She looks behind me, and motions to Elion. ' Who's that?'

' I'm Elion Sendaris,' Elion tells her.

' Oh... Nalla's told me about you before, she visits you every week, right?'

He nods.

' How's the blacksmith holding up?' I ask her.

' We ran out of sticks while you were gone... Luckily Master Reya offered to help with that issue.'

' That's kind of her,' Elion says.

' She's like that, probably why she got chosen as master,' Kassa smiles. ' You two look exhausted, maybe you should stay for a while.'

' We had to walk all the way, left our horses at the Walls of Time...' I tell her.

' Why would you leave Shade at the Walls of Time?'

' It's... A long story...'

' Well, I'm all ears.'

' We went looking for Elion's mother, because he can't find her in Sendaria nor New Voltaria. We went to the Walls of Time, but didn't find her. Instead, we got attacked by a group of Voltaris.'

' Voltaris? I heard there was a Voltaris attack at Mendoria a while before you left, could it be connected?'

' Possibly,' I nod my head.

' So, what happened to you guys?'

' His brother,' I gesture to Elion,
' Keiran, came at the last minute to save us from the Deathsinger.'

' Wait, the what now?'

' The Deathsinger. He's alive, and he almost killed us.'

' But that's impossible... I thought he died 50 years ago...'

' So did we,' Elion says, ' But he managed to survive. I don't know what he and the Voltaris have been doing these past 50 years, but it can't be good.'

' The Voltaris made peace with us years ago, why are they suddenly...'

' Maybe we could ask your father,' I turn to Elion. ' I mean, he's the master of the Voltaris clan, right?'

' I doubt my father even knows what's going on.'

' Well, we could go to Sendaria to see whether your mother is back, then head to New Voltaria after that.'

' That seems like a plan...'

' Well, it's going to be a long walk,' Kassa tells us, ' Maybe you guys need a horse for that.'

' Where are we going to get horses?' Elion asks.

' I have a horse,' Kassa says.

' I got her another horse just in case something happens when I'm not around, since I travel so much,' I tell Elion.

He nods. ' Then, what about the second one?'

' Pretty sure you guys can ride together.'

' Fine by me,' I say.

/A/N/ In case you didn't know...

The "N" from Nalla's name comes from "Nestoris", the "al" from "Kaltaris".

The "Ka" from Kassa's name is from "Kaltaris", while the "s" is from "Nestoris".

Their mother was a Kaltaris and their father was a Nestoris, so I kind of put the two together to make Nalla and Kassa's name.

I wish I could describe the place more, but I seriously don't know what Kaltaria looks like (there wasn't a lot of shots of Kaltaria)

I wish I could describe the place more, but I seriously don't know what Kaltaria looks like (there wasn't a lot of shots of Kaltaria)

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All I can make out is trees that look similar to pine trees, emerald ore and rocky terrain (maybe). Besides, I'm assuming this is Kaltaria, not 100% sure.

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