Claiming K'arthen (Part 2)

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/A/N/ I couldn't come up with a better title.

Senn's (OD) p.o.v

I walk around New Voltaria, taking in the view.

New Voltaria (from our dimension) used to be this beautiful as well, until the other clans attacked the place because Dominus killed the masters. That was before I was even born.

After the other clans attacked New Voltaria, Dominus attacked Kaltaria, Mendoria, Sendaria and Nestoria in return with the Prime Songs to remind them he had the most powerful weapon of all.

Achillean lost both his parents in the massacre, he told me before. That was the very reason he hunted Voltaris together with Thalleous- revenge for his parents.

The sound of a bird chirping interrupts my thoughts. I look up as a messenger bird flies over to me. It drops a roll of paper.

I unroll it.


Sure, I'm on my way to New Voltaria right now.


She has finally responded!

But another bird flies up to me. It drops another roll of paper.

What could this one be? I unroll it as well.


Come back now. There has been a problem back in our dimension.


Seriously? What's so important I need to go back there?

Should I stay for Abbigail? Or go find Ingressus?

I think for a moment.

I guess I'll go find Ingressus first. I don't feel like seeing Abbigail that soon anyway.


After a week of travelling, I arrive at the Walls of Time.

' Senn! You have finally returned!' Deltheus calls out.

' What's going on?'

Ingressus walks up to us. ' Your friends have attacked K'arthen.'

' What about Lucidius?' I ask.

' He and Deltheus both got defeated.'

' Then?'

' I need you to go to K'arthen and reclaim it.'

' Why me? Can't you send any of the others?'

' You defeated them last time, and this time you won't even have to deal with the Magnorite and Achillean.'

I sigh. Why do I always end up being the one?

' Senn!'

' What?'

' So?'

' Okay, fine! I'll go.'

Ingressus nods. ' They destroyed the beacon in K'arthen, so you'll have to take another route there.'

' Just give me one of the Nether Stars, I'll go to Cydonia instead. Even that is a way shorter trip than from the Walls of Time.'


I drag my feet across the endless sand dunes of Cydonia. The heat was unbearable here.

We reach the border between K'arthen and Cydonia.

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