Claiming K'arthen

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/A/N/ Most of this chapter takes place in the other dimension.

Galleous' (OD) p.o.v

I kill off a couple Voltaris that engaged me in the Great Hall of Tarturus.

Strange... No sign of Lucidius yet... Usually he's in charge of defending K'arthen from us.

Last time we faced him, we did manage to defeat him, but Senn came from Cydonia and forced us out again, so we retreated back to the End.

Another Voltaris comes for me as I'm lost in thought, and I snap back to reality just in time to raise my sword, blocking his axe.

I twist it around, and the axe clangs a few feet away from us.

With another swing of my sword, he falls backward as his glowing red markings fade out.

Vulcannus runs up to me. ' How's everything going so far?'

' No sign of Lucidius yet. Pretty sure he's hiding around here somewhere...'

' Maybe he's gone currently- a good opportunity for us to claim this place.'

An arrow flies towards us, and I slice it in half before it reaches us.

Vulcannus draws out his bow, and fires an enchanted arrow at the archer. ' Trevor and Saxon have blocked the path from Cydonia to here, just in case Senn comes back again.'

' Why didn't they tell me?'

' Pythus knew you'd want to go with them, but we need you here in K'arthen.'

I look away. He's right, I would have requested to go with them, since they'd most likely run into that traitor.

' Fine, then what about the others? Won't they be sent here once they find out Senn can't make it?'

' Pretty sure we can hold them off...'

' We couldn't last time, and now we don't have Achillean nor Onyx with us.'

' We never thought about the other three of them nor Ingressus yet, but we'll have plenty of time to because the rest of the kingdoms are a distance away from K'arthen.'

Another Voltaris runs up to us with a spear. Vulcannus lifts his axe and swings it around, killing the Voltaris with ease.

' I think that's the whole hall,' I tell him.

Still no sign of Lucidius. What were these Voltaris planning this time?


Saxon's (OD) p.o.v

Me and Trevor wait patiently on our dragons.

Still no sign of them yet.

' Do you think they took another way round?' he asks.

' I don't know, but Pythus told us to stay put.'

He nods, and we continue waiting.

Soon, a group of Voltaris walk up to us.

' Go!'

My dragon spreads his wings, and flies up together with Trevor's dragon. They burn the Voltaris on the ground.

As we hover above, I notice something was wrong.

' Where's Senn?'

Trevor notices as well. ' Did we kill him already?'

' I doubt it. That guy is a tough nut to crack.'

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