Gathering Ardoni

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Amora's p.o.v

I send a punch towards Argus, who barely dodges it. I turn to the side as I raise my leg to a kick, and attempt to hit him in the face.

He summons his Protisium Song, and my leg ends up hitting the shield.

' You're getting better at using your Song,' I tell him, and pull my leg back onto the ground.

The sphere around him dissipates.
' Thanks.'

Suddenly, we hear galloping. We turn to the side, and look over the bushes.

Master Cieden was riding his horse.


The next day...

Argus' p.o.v

' So... Who volunteers to join an attack on the Voltaris at the Walls of Time?' Ky' Val asks.

A hand shoots into the air. ' I do!' It was Kyan.

A few other Ardoni raise their hands as well after seeing Kyan.

Nope. I'm not ready yet. I'm not-

My thoughts are cut off as I see Amora raise her hand as well.

' Any more?' Ky' Val asks.

I'm not sure now. I didn't want to, but now that Amora is...

' So that's everyone-'

' Me too!' I immediately raise my hand.

Amora gives me a concerned look. Val seems surprised, probably since I don't really do that well during training, and even skip training sometimes, but nods, ' Alright then... That's seven...'

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