A Strange Encounter

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/A/N/ I didn't put a ( OD ) there, so it's the real Senn!

Senn's p.o.v

The blizzard was getting worse, really worse. I could summon my shield, but I couldn't protect Timber with it.

I stop Timber. ' Come on, it's no use searching in the storm. We'll try again next time. Now let's get out of here.'

Timber neighs. We turn around, and start riding off towards where we came from.

Suddenly, I sense a presence. I couldn't hear any footsteps, the wind was too loud.

I turned around, and saw... Lights?

I squint my eyes as I try to make out where it's coming from.

The lights start moving, closer, and closer. It must be an Ardoni, and probably a Voltaris if the lights are a reddish orange. But what was he doing out here?

More lights appeared. There was more than one. I put my hands on the hilt of my sword ( or Thalleous' sword ), ready for anything.

The lights are very close now. Timber neighs, but I hold up my free hand, signalling for him to stop.

The Ardoni is now close enough, I can make out his markings through the snow.

I couldn't believe it.

It was...

' Ingressus...?'

Ingressus draws out his sword, and another staff. Was it... Voltar?

I move my hand away from my sword, towards the right and... Yes, Voltar was still on my back, then where did Ingressus get another one? Is it a copy or some sort?

More Voltaris come up behind him, their weapons drawn. I glance to the side.




The three of them were there, a few other Voltaris I didn't recognise as well.

How? How did they survive?

Ingressus raises his staff, and begins charging up a Song.

' Wait! Ingressus, it's me!' I raise both my arms.

Ingressus lowers his staff. ' Senn?' he looks at me for a moment. ' I see... You must be the Senn from this...whatever you call it.'

/A/N/ Ingressus saw Voltar, so knows he's not the Senn from his dimension.

I am really confused.

Ingressus walks a few steps forward.
' So, you made peace with the other clans...'

' Isn't that what you wanted? For the Voltaris clan to live in peace with the other clans?'

He scoffs. ' They almost wiped the Voltaris clan out, held a tournament to find a champion, that would hunt us down, and slaughter us all... I've done my reading.'

' They were corrupted by the Prime Songs, you told me that yourself.'

' Oh, I think you got me confused with someone else here...'

I raise an eyebrow. Pretty sure that's Ingressus, right...?

' I'm from another... What do you call it, dimension? A dimension where the Voltaris clan were never exiled because my father actually did something to prevent it. Peace was never an option.'

As he talks, I quietly pat Timber. Timber slowly turns around, and starts getting away.

Ingressus notices. ' Where do you think you're going?'

' Come on, Timber!' We ride off hurriedly.

I hear a Song behind me, and the next thing I know is falling off Timber onto the snow.

Timber neighs, and turns back, but lightning travels towards him. Timber backs up to evade it.

' Go... Get help!'

Timber looks at me one last time, and runs off.

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