Finding Out

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Senn's (OD) p.o.v

Now the plan is busted. Abbigail was there, I doubt she'd even want to meet up with me now.

What am I going to tell Ingressus...?

Well, I have to tell him.

I groan as I get up from sitting in the snow, and walk towards the beacon.


Argus' p.o.v

I hold up my wooden sword to block Amora's. She may usually used a bow, but she's not bad with swords either, or it's just because I'm bad at it.

We exchange a couple blows, then she suddenly raises her leg to a kick, and sends it towards my stomach.

I fall onto the dirt with a loud thump.
' Ouch...'

' You okay?' she holds out her free hand.

' Yeah, I'm fine.' I grab her hand, and she helps me up, ' Do you think Val is going to notice we're missing from training?'

' Well, she seems to let me off the hook every time, so I never attended.'

' You skipped every single training?' I ask, surprised.

' Yeah...I'm not comfortable in crowds.'

' Well, I hardly run into any crowds. Most of the time I just stay in my room, or help my parents fish in the sea.'

' You seem like you're really close with your parents.'

' I guess... '

' I haven't spoken to my parents in a long time...'

' Why?'

' We never agree on much. It's easier to avoid an argument if we don't talk at all.'

Both of us are quiet for a while.

' So...want to practice with our Songs again?' I try to change the subject.

She looks up, ' Yeah, sure.'


Senn's (OD) p.o.v

I walk down the hallway. Ingressus doesn't seem to be around, probably still out there looking for the Ender portal.

Suddenly, someone drops in front of me, causing me to jump back in surprise.

' Loran! Can you and your siblings just stop doing that?!'

' We need to talk. Usually I'd go straight to Ingressus, but I can't find him at the moment.'

' What is it?'

' It's about your brother, Almrak.'

/A/N/ Sorry, it's a short chapter...

And just in case, Loris, Lora and Loran have similar markings.

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