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/A/N/ I tried my best to draw Sendaria... I'm really bad at drawing backgrounds and all that stuff...

Sylvia's p.o.v

We walk through the wilderness. The Tidesinger, or Achillean Nestoris, walks with the support of Ria.

I'm still pretty confused about what happened back there. Achillean hasn't muttered a word for the whole trip, he's probably as confused as we are.

We left the horses back at the Walls of Time, didn't really want to risk going back there. We just made our way down the mountain. So we're walking now.

My legs are so sore...

I'm not using my Mobilium Song because it drains so much of my energy. I only use it when I really need to.

Suddenly, I see a familiar tree. I look in the distance, and see more.

We must be near Sendaria!

I quicken my pace and walk over a hill.

Yes, we are in Sendaria.

Ria and Achillean make their way beside me. Achillean looks surprised to see the place.

' Come on, let's get you to my room,' Ria says.

Achillean doesn't object, and Ria supports him to her room. I follow behind them.

As we're walking there, I notice someone familiar.

It was a Voltaris.

Wait, is that...?

Senn's (OD) p.o.v

I finally arrive at Sendaria.

It looks just like home...Before it was destroyed...

55 years ago

I summon my Protisium Song, and Ria bangs her spear into it.

' Hey, not fair!' she says.

' Do you think the Voltaris fight fair?'

' Probably not, but we said no Songs.'

' I must've missed that part then.'

' You-'

Suddenly, Galleous runs up to us.
' Come on, kids! We have to move!'

Me and Ria turn confusingly towards him.

' Tygren, Lucidius and Zinaida are heading this way!' Galleous answers our confusion. ' No time to pack your things, we're leaving immediately!'


Me and Thalleous stand on the hill overlooking Sendaria. It was completely destroyed, fire was burning everywhere.

I walk up to the destruction, and look around. ' Why would they attack Sendaria?'

' I hid the Mobilium Prime Song in one of the rooms here, they must've found out,' Thalleous answers.

' Wait, you what?'

' I never told you this, but after Achillean killed Dominus, he got the four Prime Songs. He then handed them to me, and I hid them. Kaltaria was already attacked for the Supporium Prime Song.'

I turn back to the destruction, then back to Thalleous. ' Can I join the battle?'

' But-'

' I'm old enough, and know how to defend myself.'

' Still-'

' They destroyed Sendaria! My home! I'm not just going to sit down and do nothing!'

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