A Mission

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Aldora's (OD) p.o.v

We have been in Hyperia for a few weeks now.

' Where do you think the others are?' Denny asks me.

' What exactly did they set out to do?'

' Take back the kingdoms. They're probably at Felden or Conchord by now.'

' Why don't we go find them?'

' There has to be a few of us to watch over the people. If the Voltaris attack, at least they have some of us to defend them. And now with Abbigail...' he pauses for a moment,
' gone... We're even weaker than ever.'

' So it's just you and Trevor now? The Enderknights, I mean.'

' Yeah...'

Suddenly, I hear Pythus' voice behind us. ' They're not in any of the kingdoms.'

' What could've happened?' I ask.

' Voltaris could have happened,' Denny tells me.

' The only place we haven't checked is Northwind. That's where most of them are. Aldora, can you go to Northwind, and try to find them?'

I nod. It's gotten boring sitting here all day anyway.


Lora's p.o.v

' Where are you two going?' I hear Achillean ask behind us.

' We have to get back to the other dimension, or they may suspect something,' I tell him.

' I see...'

' Well, bye for now.'


Nalla's p.o.v

' I have to get back to Kaltaria, I've been gone for too long,' I tell Elion.

' You have to pass by Sendaria to get to Kaltaria from here, right? I'm going with you,' he says.

' Okay then.'

' May I go with you as well?' someone says from behind us.

I turn around, and see Keiran.

' It's been a while since I've been to Sendaria anyway,' he adds.

Elion's p.o.v

I open my mouth to protest, but Nalla cuts me off, ' Okay.'

' What?! But-' I sigh, it's no use trying to change her mind now...

' Then let's get going.'


Back in the Walls of Time, there's a pile of rocks.

Suddenly, the rocks start moving.

Zenon Voltaris gets out of the pile of rocks he was buried under, breathing heavily as he had been stuck down there for days.

He picks up his fallen sword from the ground, and starts limping towards the exit.

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