The Ender Portal

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Galleous' (OD) p.o.v

We have reached Diamond Heights.

A few Voltaris have resided in the luxury houses that once belonged to the rich humans of Hydraphel.

Once we're done with this place, we can go to the capital of Hydraphel, Hyperia. Diamond Heights should be easy to take, considering Zinaida is usually at Hyperia.


Third person view

Ingressus (OD) walks up to the mountain wall where he found the opening to the Ender portal in the other dimension.

There was just a flat wall made of stone.

He scans the area, then notices a rock that looks out of place. He moves the rock to the side, revealing a lever.

He pulls it, and the wall opens up, revealing a hallway.

He walks down the hallway, and soon comes up to the Ender portal.


Galleous' (OD) p.o.v

' The place is clear, no more Voltaris,' Trevor says as he jumps off his dragon after scanning the area.

' Then we head to Hyperia,' I tell them.

' Wait!'

Me, Vulcannus and Trevor turn to the side. Masani was running towards us.

' Masani!' Trevor says.

' Did you find Achillean?' I ask.

' No...but he's alive... And they don't know where he is...' she was still trying to catch her breath, ' But the Voltaris... May have found... The Ender portal...'

' What?!' If the Voltaris find the Ender portal, then they'll...

' Are you sure?' Vulcannus wants confirmation.

' Not really... Didn't understand the whole conversation... Between Ingressus and Senn... Something about finding the... Ender portal in another dimension...'

' Another dimension?' Trevor asks.

' Now... Where is Pythus... And Abbigail...?'

' They're at the End, looking after the place, along with Grim and Denny,' I tell her, ' Maybe you should take a break, you look like you've been running for ages.'

' I have... Been running for ages...'


We stay in one of the houses in Diamond Heights. It's a bit too... luxurious, but it'll do.

' What do you think the other dimension thing is about?' Vulcannus asks.

' I don't know,' I answer.

' If there is another dimension, it could be possible that's where the Voltaris have been these past few weeks.'

Trevor makes a good point. But why would they go to the other dimension? What is it that they want there? Food? Makes sense cause there's literally almost no more food growing around here, and if the other dimension is not as barren as our world is.

But no matter, they have split their forces, so that's probably why Senn and Lucidius weren't there when we attacked K'arthen and Cydonia, then only came a few days after, enough time for a messenger bird to reach Northwind from K'arthen.

So Senn and Lucidius weren't at Cydonia and K'arthen, then is Zinaida at Hyperia? I hope not, that'll make everything way easier.

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