Argus Nestoris

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Third person view

In one of the rooms of Nestoria, a Nestoris is scribbling in a book.

' Argus!'

The Nestoris jumps and looks up from his book. He turns to another Nestoris at the front of his room.

' Allen! You gave me a scare there.'

Allen shrugs. ' Did I?'

' Yes, you did!'

' Well, maybe you were a little too into your book.'

Argus groans. ' What are you doing here?'

' I thought you told me to meet up with you?'

' Really? Must have slipped my mind.'

' You said you wanted to work together on something...'

Argus suddenly gets out of his chair.
' Oh, right! I almost forgot!'

He grabs a rock with one hand from a table, rushes out, and grabs Allen's hand with his free hand.

' Wait! Where are we going?' Allen is pulled off by Argus.


Argus' p.o.v

We reach the Song Shrine in Nestoria.

I let go of Allen's hand. He puts him hands on his knees and pants. ' What are we doing here?'

I pull out a block from the middle of the shrine. It raises one block higher, and I put the stone I got on top.

/A/N/ He raised the middle block of the shrine, so it looks like this now.

Just imagine that Song being replaced with a block of stone. ( It's not a full block, the same size as the Song )

 ( It's not a full block, the same size as the Song )

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' Don't tell me it's about the Songs again...'

I ignore him, and walk to the side.

We stand there, and wait.


Still waiting...

Nothing has happened to the stone.

' It's not going to work!' Allen starts walking off.

I put my hand under my chin. ' That's supposed to be it...'

I pull out my book from my inventory and flip through the pages.

' Oops, forgot this part!'

I hurry towards the Protisium pillar, and pull the stone brick forward to the space where you usually put the Songs.

Soon, blue lights course through the lines between the stone bricks, from the top of the pillar, and slowly head towards the center.

/A/N/ An example of what the glowing looks like

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/A/N/ An example of what the glowing looks like.

The stone I placed begins to flicker bright blue as well. The shrine lets out a melody, and I cover my ears. It was a little too loud.

The stone stops flickering, and all the lights in the shrine go out.

It didn't work.

I sigh and walk over. Just as I'm about to pick up the stone, everything starts glowing again. I close my eyes and cover my ears.

Suddenly, the melody is replaced by the sounds of low muffled tones.

I open my eyes, and couldn't believe what I saw.

The stone had been replaced with a Protisium Song.

I walk forward and pick it up.

' It actually worked...'

After 5 years of research and attempts, I have finally made a Song.

I cling tight to it as I rush towards Allen, who had already walked a distance away.

' Allen! Allen!'

Allen stops and turns around. ' Wha- Wait, is that a Song?'

I nod as I hold it out to him.

He takes it and looks at it. ' You actually did it...'

I put my hands on my waist truimphly. ' Yes, I did it!'

' What Song is it?'

I listen to the melody it gave. ' Sounds like Protesphere.'

/A/N/ Every Song has a different melody. Argus has memorised every single one.

' Protesphere? Which one is that?'

' The one where you have a giant bubble around you. It protects from all sides, and you can actually move around with it, it goes everywhere you go.'

' Sounds cool...'

' I think this is the very one the master of the Voltaris clan uses.'

' You mean Senn Voltaris? I never really went and memorised that.'

' Well, it kept him alive during the second Great War, so it should be useful.'

' Depends on how you use it.'

' Yeah, I guess...'

Allen puts a hand on my shoulder.
' Congratulations on finally successfully made a Song.'

' I guess those 5 years paid off.'

/A/N/ It looks easy, but the Song Shrine has to decide whether the Ardoni who wants to create a Song is worthy. When it seems like everything doesn't work, it actually means the Song Shrine is thinking. It then chooses a Song that it thinks is suitable for the Ardoni, so it is kind of random.

The Voltaris created the Song Shrines, and also discovered Songs. They then got more curious, and found a way to create the Prime Songs. However, it only worked once, when they tried again, they were unable to recreate the Prime Songs. No one knows why that is.

I did a lot of brainstorming for this chapter. David said he didn't want to get into how Songs were made, so I didn't have anywhere to start with. When I watched the trailer, ( don't ask why I watch the trailer after I have watched the movie and read the script 8 times ) I saw the chiseled stone brick in the middle of the Song Shrine with the Song on top, and that gave me this idea.

I just really wanted to get into more about Songs, so I created a character who was curious about the nature of Songs: Argus. Argus have been attempting to make a Song by himself for 5 years, that's how determined he is.

Allen is not really interested in Songs, he is just Argus' childhood friend. I didn't want to make another character without any friends, one was enough ( I'm talking about Amora Mendoris ).

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