A New Journey

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Senn's (OD) p.o.v

Come on... There has to be something here...

I shuffle through the drawers.

I eye one of the books: Diary.

I pick it up and begin flipping through the pages.

Come on, there's got to...


Locked up in an Enderchest, which only Abbigail can open...

Oh great...

I came all this way to avoid her, and I still end up having to meet up with her to get these Prime Songs.


' Father.'


I turn around. ' What?'

A Sendaris stands in the doorway.
' Have you seen mother? She's been missing for a couple days.'

' I... Uh... Didn't realise that...?'

' We need to find her! Maybe something bad happened to her...'

' I'm... Uh... Busy...'

' It's mother! You seriously are still thinking about... Urgh!' he storms off.

That was risky.

I flip the book open again. I better read all of this...


Nalla's p.o.v

Oh god... Beacon travels make me sick...

Why isn't there another way to travel faster around Ardonia...

If there was it would probably be like the beacons anyway...

' Nalla!'


' Elion?' What is he doing here? Probably meeting his father or something...

Elion walks up to me, and I get off Shade. ' What's up? What are you doing here in New Voltaria?'

' My mother has been missing for a couple days, and my father only cares about his work...'

' Wait, Ky' Ria is missing?'

' Yeah...'

' Did she say if she was going anywhere?'

' No, she didn't... But I heard there was a Voltaris attack recently, maybe whoever that was took her away...'

' Maybe also why your father's busy.'
I never heard about a Voltaris attack yet, but if that's the case, Master Senn must be really struggling. The Voltaris were once dreaded by all of Ardonia, and he worked hard to get Ardonia to trust the Voltaris since he became the master.

' Yeah, you make a good point...'

' So, what do you plan to do?'

Elion thinks for a moment. ' I'm going to find my mother. There's been word that the Voltaris headed north, that's probably a good place to start.'

' Do you want me to come with you?'

' That would be really appreciated.'

' Alright then, just let me head back to Kaltaria and drop off this heavy pack.'

' Is it that heavy?'

' You know how much 300 iron ingots weighs?!'

' No, but it sounds like it's something I don't want to find out.'

' You really don't: it's veeeeery heavy.'

' So, meet back up in Sendaria?'

' Okay, see you tomorrow.'

/A/N/ It takes a full day to get from Old Voltaria to Kaltaria, and this is in the afternoon, so going back to Sendaria would take another day.

From Kaltaria to Sendaria, it takes about half a day (you can imagine how early Nalla wakes up), it looks like the distance is the same, but you have to take like a U-turn to get to Old Voltaria, and it's a straight path to Sendaria.

From Kaltaria to Sendaria, it takes about half a day (you can imagine how early Nalla wakes up), it looks like the distance is the same, but you have to take like a U-turn to get to Old Voltaria, and it's a straight path to Sendaria

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