The Voltaris

195 7 2

Nalla's p.o.v

I peek around the corner of the mountain.

All clear.

I turn back to Elion and nod. We quietly make our way along the mountain path.

Suddenly, I notice a figure moving in the distance. I raise my hand, signalling for Elion to stop.

I squint my eyes as I try to make out what it is.

I cautiously take a few steps forward, and slowly draw out my sword, ready for anything.

The figure comes closer to us as well, and I soon make out what it is.

' Timber!'

Timber neighs. Another horse comes from behind him. I don't recognise that one, but Elion does.

' Midnight?'

' Whose horse it this?' I ask.

' It's Master Sylvia's horse.'

' What were Master Senn and Master Sylvia doing here?'

' I don't know... Maybe they came looking for the Voltaris here... Then... Father is back at New Voltaria, but... Now that I think about it, I don't think I saw Master Sylvia back at Sendaria...'

' What do you think happened?' I ask.

' I don't know...'

Timber neighs, and motions further down the mountain path.

' Should we...?'

' I guess so...' I answer.


We arrive at the Walls of Time.

I look into the hallway. Empty. I turn back to the path ahead. ' I guess we keep going?'

Elion nods.

We make our way up the mountain, and arrive at the peak.

I look to the side. A beacon made of gold blocks was there. Strange, I thought beacons used iron blocks to power.

Elion taps my shoulder. I turn around, and he gestures to another path down.

We approach it, trying to make our footsteps in the snow as soundless as possible. We look down, and see a clearing with a few cave openings on the mountain.

' Should we go take a look?' he asks.

' I don't think it's such a good idea, but I suppose we should...'

We quietly make our way down.

I look around. ' Should we go into one of them?'

' I guess...'

I tip-toe into one of the cave openings.

As I am exploring the cave, I suddenly hear something.

I turn to the side, and see a couple prison cells.

I look across the row, only one wasn't empty. I try to make out who it is, but he's a bit too far.

I turn around, but Elion isn't there anymore.

' Elion?'

Suddenly, someone grabs me from behind, and wraps his arms around my neck.

' What is a little girl like you doing out here?'

I cough for air as I try to struggle free from his grasp.

' You shouldn't have come here, you really shouldn't have.'

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