Achillean Nestoris

216 8 15

Third person view

Val lands in front of a cave, and her wings dissipate. She walks in.

' Val, you made it,' Abbigail's voice is heard.

' I got your message about an attack in the Nether. What's going on?'

Vulcannus walks out from the corner.
' A species long forgotten has returned, and seeks to control the Nether. They have attacked Nazgard, and will not stop there.'

' I'm glad you're able to join us. Ria never sent a message back, and I think Senn is busy right now,' Abbigail tells her.

' They are probably busy with the Voltaris attack,' Val says.

Grim, who was standing in the far side of the cave, makes a disappointed grunt.

' Well, this is everyone, I guess...'
Abbigail looks around.

In the cave was Abbigail, Vulcannus, Saxon, Trevor, Val and Grim.

' But it's better than no one,' Vulcannus places his hand on her shoulder.

Sylvia's p.o.v

We keep rolling down the mountain.

Suddenly, I hear a Song being summoned.

I turn to the side as I'm rolling to see Ria using her Supporium Song, Supporospike. A spike of earth juts out horizontally from the mountain, and all three of us land on it.

' Umph!'

Ria rolls to the side, facing the sky while panting. ' What happened?'

' You got knocked out. The three Voltaris-'

' Wait, there was three?! I thought it was only Tygren and Lucidius?!'

' Apparently there's another one called Zinaida.'

' Just great...'

' If you think that's just great, I can't wait to see how you react to this next one.'

' What?' she turns her head to the side to face me.

' The Deathsinger is alive...'

' Ingressus Voltaris? Are you sure?'

' Yeah, he came through that beacon made of gold blocks with the Tidesinger here.' I motion to the Tidesinger, who is lying next to our feet, still unconscious.

' The one we used to call him?'

' I don't know anything about that thing, or who you're referring to, but crazy things have happened when you were out.'

Ria is quiet for a moment. She sits up and looks at the Tidesinger. ' How is he alive?'

I continue lying there. ' I don't know, he just came using the beacon. And it sort of seems like the Deathsinger hates him.'

' But they're kind of like brothers- Senn told me that...'

I suddenly remember. ' And about Senn, I don't think he's here.'

Ria turns to me. ' How do you know?'

' Tygren said he wasn't around currently. It does kind of sound like they know each other.'

' They do.'

' No, like they were working together or something.'

' Senn would never have been involved in this.'

I sigh. It makes sense, maybe it was all just a misunderstanding.

' So, what now?' I ask.

' I guess we wait for him to wake up?' I sit up and gesture to the Tidesinger.

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