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Keiran's p.o.v

I walk along the main street of Hailstone. I do get some glances from the people, but I don't mind that. All I want here is find that bandit who killed Elena.

According to the information I have, he should be around here somewhere...

I look up and see a figure climbing one of the towers.

What's he doing?

I squint my eyes, and notice the Unyielding Legion logo on his sleeve.

I start running towards that tower.


I look up. The Unyielding Legionnere crawls into the top part of the tower.

I could use my Mobilum Song, but don't want to draw too much attention, and I'm pretty sure a Voltaris using to golden current to get to a random tower would draw a lot of attention.

Instead, I use the stairs up to the top.

I run as fast as my legs can take me, and soon reach the top. The Unyielding Legionnere is holding a knife to a citizen's throat.

' Let go of me!' the citizen tries to struggle free.

I rush into the fray, draw out my staff, and hit the Unyielding Legionnere in the face with the wooden part of it. He lets go of the citizen and stumbles back.

The Unyielding Legionnere looks up.
' Oh, if it isn't the Voltaris who keeps messing with our plans?'

Not who I'm looking for. But that doesn't mean he can't lead me to him.

I motion to the citizen to go. He runs away in a hurry.

The Unyielding Legionnere charges at me with his knife. I roll to the side and swing my staff upwards, banging it on his face.

He groans, and engages me again. I hold up my staff to block his knife. He folds his leg upwards, then sends a kick at my stomach.

I stumble backwards, and he comes at me again with his knife. I quickly use my Protisium Song, and blast the knife out of his hand.

His right hand now surrounded by the mass, he sends a punch at me with his left hand. I grab his wrist, then flip him over and slam him to the ground.

' Where is he?!'

' Who?'

' Marvolo! Don't tell me you don't know him!'

/A/N/ I couldn't come up with another name.

' He was sent on a mission to Felden! That's all I know!'

' Which part of Felden?!'

' Riverstead! Riverstead! Now please don't kill me!'

I let go of him. ' Alright, you can go.'

He nods as he gets up. ' Thank you...'

He quickly grabs a backup knife and sends it in my way. But I slip to the side and grab his hand.

I twist his arm, and he yelps in pain. I let go of him as he stumbles back.

' Nice try, but it's predictable. Too many of you do that.'

He glares at me, then jumps out of the balcony. I look down as he grips the wall, climbing downwards.

Great, Riverstead... That's a long way from here.


Third person view

A figure flies towards the Walls of Time. It lands in the snow, and looks around.

Ingressus walks out from the side.
' What do you want, Dark Angel?'

I heard you have been stirring up trouble in Ardonia.

' So? Got a problem with that?'

No... You see, you allied with King Chronos and Pythus before, forming an almost unstoppable army.

' We're not from here, so we never did ally with them.'

Ah, I see. I should've known when I saw that beacon.

' You know something about that?'

Even after centuries of existing, I never thought it could be used to bring someone other than Herobrine.

' We needed to make a few... modifications for that. Now, are you suggesting we work together?'


He had Ingressus interested. The Dark Angels are one of the most powerful species in Ardonia. ' Let me think about it...'


Keiran's p.o.v

I sit down on a bench in one of the higher parts of Hailstone, munching down some bread.

Another Voltaris walks towards me, and sits on another bench. I don't give it much thought.

' I saw you fight Ingressus. That was bold of you.'

I look up at him. ' What do you want?'

' People like you, who dare to go against the Deathsinger himself. That's what you call Ingressus right? Fitting name.'

This guy seem weird...

I notice his markings are similar to mine.

' I'm Almrak Voltaris. I've been following you for a while now.'

He's been following me?

' You're Senn's son, right?'

' Yeah...'

' Is your mother Ria Sendaris? I've heard about her from him a couple of times.'

' You know my father?'

' Not your father. But I do know Senn.'

I give him a confused look.

' The group of Voltaris you and your friends ran into a few weeks ago, they are not from around here. I'll explain everything, but not here, not now.'

' Where are we going then?'

' Somewhere far from Northwind. There's a few of us roaming around this frozen kingdom, and I would very much prefer not to get caught.'

' I was planning to go to Riverstead.'

' That would work.'

' It's a long way.'

' Not unless we use the beacon.'

' I don't have any gold to-'

Before I can finish, he pulls out an iron ingot from his inventory. ' Don't worry, I've got that settled.'

I think for a moment. ' So, you want me to join you against the Deathsinger?'

' I do have a couple other friends as well.'

' Alright, you have me interested. But I'm still thinking about it.'

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