To The Other Dimension

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Keiran's p.o.v

I follow Almrak on a hike to the top of the mountain where the Walls of Time lie.

/A/N/ I don't know what that mountain is called...

There is the beacon. It was made of gold blocks instead of iron blocks like the ones used to travel through the capitals. I heard it was used to summon Herobrine during the Great War and the Second Great War.

Almrak steps onto the beacon, then dissapears in a flash of light.

I hesitate for a moment, before placing my foot on the gold blocks. Everything around fades away, replaced by a current of multiple colours that should carry us to the other dimension.

Everything fades away, back into the snow surrounding the area.

There were quite a number of Voltaris around the area. Some looked up at us, others continued minding their own business.

Almrak leads me down one if the paths. We come across the clearing where I found Nalla, Elion and the Deathsinger.

' Alright, I just need to check on...'

' Almrak!' another voice calls out.

Almrak turns to the side. Another Voltaris runs up to us. He had a spear on his back.

' Loris, what-'

' It's Senn. He's badly injured.'

' Where is he now?' Almrak asks, soundly very worried.

Loris motions for us (or Almrak, I don't think he noticed me) to follow him into one of the tunnels.


We enter the room, and my father (from this dimension) is leaning against a wall, unconscious. His markings were glowing dimly and flickering rapidly.

So it's this bad...

Almrak kneels beside him. He places his hand on top of a cut of his chest, and begins summoning his Supporium Song.

The other Voltaris, Loris, seems to finally acknowledge my existence.
' So, where are you from?'

Loris' (OD) p.o.v

I can't shake this feeling that his markings were really familiar. But where have I seen them before?

' I'm...' he stops, and glances towards Almrak.

' If you're worried about that, I'm with Almrak, so you can tell me.'

Almrak turns around, ' You can tell him.' He then turns back to Senn and starts healing his left arm.

' Okay, I'm not from around here,' he tells me.

I raise an eyebrow, not understanding fully what he means.

' I'm from the other dimension,' he adds.

' Oh.' I nod.

Almrak finally notices the wound on Senn's back. ' That's...'

' Trevor stabbed him when he wasn't looking,' I tell him.

' Trevor? You mean one of the Enderknights?' the other Voltaris asks.

' Yes, you see, things are very different in this dimension,' I say.

' I can heal Senn, but it'll take time. Loris, why don't you take Keiran here to Ataraxia first?'

' But, who will-' I begin, but Almrak cuts me off.

' I will be here in Northwind, if anything major plays out I will know.'

I am reluctant at first, but give in.
' Alright... Come with me,' I gesture for the other Voltaris, Keiran I assume, to follow me.

' What's at Ataraxia?' he asks.

' Not really the best time nor place to talk about that now,' I tell him.

He shrugs, then follows me out of the room.

I look back at Senn. I hope he's going to be okay...

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