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Nalla's p.o.v

We reach the border between the snow and the green grass. I hold out one hand into the snow.

Brrr! I take my hand back, it was really cold.

' Let's just go.' Elion pats his mother's horse, Sliver, and they ride into the cold.

I sigh, and soon follow behind him.

I shiver at the sudden change of temperature. It was freezing!

What have I gotten myself into...


We stop at Northwind Pass.

Elion gets off Sliver. ' I'll go get some wood for a fire.'

' Thank god, I'm freezing over here!'

I dismount Shade, and Elion walks off into the distance.


After many tries, Elion still hasn't managed to light the fire.

' Come on, let me do that for you.' I take the flint and steel from his hands and with one try, the fire lights up.

I look up as Elion looks at his feet embarrassingly.

' It's not your fault, you don't travel as much as I do,' I try to make him feel better, but that isn't exactly something I'm good at.

Elion smiles a bit, so I guess I cheered him up a little.

Elion's p.o.v

' It's not your fault, you don't travel as much as I do,' Nalla tells me.

I must have made her feel bad, I'm such an idiot! I force a smile. She doesn't say anything else, so I guess that assured her.

Nalla digs into her pack and tosses me some bread. I catch it and take a bite.
' Where are we now?'

' Northwind Pass.'

' How do you know?'

' It's pretty obvious.'

I guess it should be, just not to me.

' Where do you mother would be?'

' There's a couple places north of Ardonia: Hailstone, Gale Point, Sliverwatch, Frostburn, Walls of Time...'

' I think they'd be anywhere but those places.'

' Probably, if they want to keep a low profile.'

I sigh. North is all the information we got, nothing else.

Suddenly, Nalla's eyes widen. She gestures for me to keep quiet.

I turn around to where she was looking. A Voltaris was walking towards us.

I quickly summon my Protisium Song.

Third person view

Deltheus walks along Northwind Pass. He stops as he senses a presence. He looks to the side, but sees nothing.

Nalla and Elion grit their teeth, hoping Deltheus doesn't realise they're there under the invisible cloak Elion's Protisium Song made.

Deltheus stands there for a moment, then walks off.

Nalla's p.o.v

We watch as the Voltaris walks off. I couldn't help but notice his markings were similar to Elion's.

Elion releases his Protisium Song.

' Do you know him?' I ask.

' What?'

' His markings were kind of similar to yours.'

' Really? I didn't notice...'

' Well, he was coming from that direction,' I point in the direction the Voltaris was coming from, ' The Walls of Time.'

' Why-'

' They may be working together. I mean, they're from the same clan right? And the Voltaris have been staying in New Voltaria for years, so why would he be out here?'

Elion nods.

I smother the fire. ' Come on, the faster we find Ky' Ria, the sooner we get out of this freezing place.'

We get on our horses and head towards the Walls of Time.

/A/N/ I know, it's a really short chapter, just wanted to show how Nalla and Elion were progressing.

This happened right around when Ria and Sylvia had just reached the Walls of Time.

A new Song:

Protecloak, Elion's Protisium Song, is an invisible cloak that covers the user and everything else the user wants to cover.

I didn't create Protecloak, I got the idea from one of Infingirl's fanfictions.

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