The Tidesinger

271 10 26

Sylvia's p.o.v

We reach the Walls of Time.

' Let's stop for a while. The horses should be exhausted by now,' I tell Ria.

Ria looks uneasy for a moment, then sighs, ' Alright then...'

We get off our horses and walk into the hallway.

' It's been a long time since I last came here,' she walks up to the 14th Wall.
' I guess nothing major has happened yet, there's no new walls.'

' Nothing much has happened since the past 50 years, since the Second Great War.'

She places her hand on the wall. ' It feels like it all just happened yesterday...'

Suddenly, we hear footsteps. Ria turns towards me.

' What? It wasn't me.'

Ria turns to the other end of the hallway. A shadow casts on the wall.

She grabs my hand and pulls me away. We lean against one of the walls.

I peek around the corner. ' It's a Voltaris,' I whisper to her.

Ria pushes me aside, and takes a peek.

She suddenly backs up and steps on my foot.

' Ouch!'

' Who's there?'

Ria glares at me.

What? You stepped on my foot!

The footsteps come closer, and Ria pulls me away again.

The footsteps slowly disappear, signalling the Voltaris was going away from us.

I let out a sigh of relief. Ria peeks again, then turns back to me. ' He's gone.'

' Who was that?'

' He looks like Lucidius. I thought Lucidius was dead, but it seems maybe Senn wasn't the last Voltaris alive.'

' How is that possible?'

' I'm not really surprised about him. I didn't even know what happened to him. It could even be him who attacked the Mendoris.'

' But Val said it was Tygren...'

' Tygren? Impossible! I killed him myself, pushed him into lava.'

' Maybe he survived, if not how could he...'

' Sssssh!' she places her hand on my mouth, cutting me off, ' He's back.'

The footsteps echo through the hallways again. But this time, there was talking.

' You sure there's someone here?' another voice breaks in.

' I heard someone scream, sounded like a girl,' that was the one previously.

' Are you really sure? No girls followed us through the beacon.'

' Unless it's not one of us.'

Both of them are silent for a moment.

Suddenly, someone grabs my arm from the right and throws me to the ground. Ria draws out her spear and clashes it with an iron sword the first Voltaris draws out. He pushes her back, and slams her onto a wall. Ria's spear lands on the floor with a loud clang.

The second Voltaris places his foot on my stomach and I groan in pain.

' The staff of the Sendaris? You must be the master of the Sendaris clan...'

God... His rough voice is piercing my ears...

' Leave her, Tygren,' the first one tells him. ' She may have some important information about this place.'

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