Worthy Enough

197 8 1

Third person view

' Okay, so is everyone here?' Val asks.

The crowd nods.

' Then let's get started...'

' Wait!'

Amora rushes towards them. ' Sorry, I'm late.'

Val raises an eyebrow, surprised Amora showed up. Everyone else also starts whispering to each other. Amora looks around uncomfortably.

' Well then, let's just get started!'


Amora places her hands on the ground, lifts her leg up and kicks another Mendoris back.

' Wow...'

' How is she so good? She doesn't even come to training anymore...'

' No one has outmatched Kyan before...'

The crowd around them murmur to each other.

Kyan gets up. ' You're pretty good...'

' I could definitely still improve.'

Val walks between them. ' Amora, can I talk to you for a second?'

/A/N/ Other than training with a bow, Amora does practice other stuff.

Amora nods, and leaves with Val.


Amora's p.o.v

' What is it, Ky' Val?'

' I noticed you are... Kind of a skilled fighter.'

' And?'

' I think you are already ready to... Do what most Ardoni your skill level do.'

' Which is?'

Val pulls out a Supporium Song.
' This is Supporosight. It can help you see better in the dark.'

/A/N/ An Ardoni can get a Song for another Ardoni. The Song Shrine can sense if the Song is for another Ardoni, so it will scan through the memories to find out if that Ardoni is worthy.

Kind of explains how Thalleous got Senn and Ria's Song.

Supporosight is a Song I created. Potions don't work on Ardoni, so I thought of a Song that was like a night vision potion. It couldn't fit in the other three orders, so I just stuffed it into the Supporium order.

Expect to see more Songs that I create myself in this fanfiction.

I take it carefully. ' Okay...?'

' Well, the Song Shrine thinks you're ready, so...'

I think for a moment. Songs are a pretty cool thing, but I heard wielding Songs was not really good for our health.

' I'll let you decide for a moment.'
Val leaves me there.

I take a look at the Song. It let out a soft and sweet melody.

/A/N/ I would've done the sound Supporosight gives but you can't put voice clips in Wattpad.

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