The Base

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/A/N/ I changed Lara's name to Karina. I just realised it was too similar to Lora's name.

Senn's (OD) p.o.v

I've been following Almrak for a while now.

He finally stops in front of a river.

Wait, is that...?


What's he doing here?

He uses the rocks above the water, clinging onto them, getting from rock to rock, until he reaches the other side.

There used to be guardians here, but the Voltaris killed them off (of course).

After he is out of sight, I take the same route as he did, and reach the other side of the river.


I come up to the area overlooking Ataraxia. Many Voltaris are there.

What surprises me most is that there's greenery here.

But why didn't Almrak mention this?

Could what Loran said have been true?

If that's the case, I better be careful around here.


I sneak my way into the city, so far I haven't been caught.

' Ah, you've finally decided to come back here, Almrak.' That voice belongs to Karina. We had all thought she died in the attack on the Nether.

' Just checking on things around here. How's everything going?' Almrak asks.

' Well, it's all going well. Lora did bring the Knights of Ardonia here, though.'

Wait, the Knights of Ardonia???

' Where are they now?' Almrak asks.

' Lora, Loris and the new guy led them to the beacon. They wanted to find Achillean in the other dimension.'

Lora and Loris... So Loran was right about Lora... He didn't mention Loris though...

' That's why they weren't in the End?'

' The Voltaris went to the End?' Karina asks.

' Yeah, Kyron overheard Lucidius saying that half of the Knights of Ardonia weren't there.'

They've been eavesdropping on us?

' What happened there?' Karina asks.

' The Knights of Ardonia escaped with the citizens, but Abbigail was killed.'

' Things aren't going very well for the Knights of Ardonia...' Karina sighs.

I quickly get out of there. Loran was right about Almrak. I have to tell Ingressus about this.

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