Another Search

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Nalla's p.o.v

After a few hours of travelling, we arrive at Sendaria.

' Feels so good to be back...' Elion says from behind me.

We ride up to the top of a hill, overlooking the view of Sendaria. We dismount my sister's horse, and walk into the village.

' Where do we start?' I ask.

' Maybe her room.'

We walk towards his room.

A Nestoris walks out from a room.

' Is that the Tidesinger?' I tug Elion.

Elion turns to that direction, and Ky' Ria follows behind him. So she's safe, glad to know we risked our lifes for nothing.

Achillean's (OD) p.o.v

' So let me get this straight: Dominus didn't kill the masters, and the masters managed to hold a tournament to find a champion to eliminate the Voltaris clan.'

Ria nods.

' And then I suggested that Ingressus should join on of the tournaments, who won and almost had his hands on all four Prime Songs.'

She nods again.

' Then, Ingressus was the one who killed the masters for the Prime Songs, but he didn't manage to kill Aegus.'

Ria nods again.

' And the Nether is...the real enemy...?'

' King Chronos was the one who started attacking the Overworld.'

' And Pythus?'

' He's even worse.'

It's hard to imagine Pythus being the enemy here. I remember Pythus working with us against the Voltaris.

' Then, what do people call me again?'

' Tidesinger, because you changed the tides of the war in the Great War.'

I nod, understanding the meaning of the name.

Why do I remember everything differently?

This is all very confusing to me...

' Is Thalleous alive?' I ask her, with a hint of hope my best friend is alive.

Ria looks down. ' He's not... He was killed by Tygren Voltaris.'

Oh, I remember that guy. Ria and Sylvia did mention Senn killed him already.

' Who else from the Knights of Ardonia survived the Second Great War?'

' Me, Senn, Grim, Grek, Val, Abbigail, Vulcannus, Saxon, Trevor... I think that's everyone.'

' Galleous?'

' Abbigail couldn't save him in time...'

' Even Denny? Masani?'

' Yeah, they're gone...'

' So Grek and Val are alive?'

' I don't know where Grek has gone over the past few years, but Val is in Mendoria training Ardoni right now.'

Nalla's p.o.v

Elion walks up to them, I follow behind him.

Ky' Ria looks up at us and when she sees Elion, immediately runs up to him.

' Where have you been? I came back from looking for Senn and you were gone!'

' I couldn't find you, mother, and father was busy. I went out looking for you.'

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