Keiran Voltaris

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Nalla's p.o.v

The current comes to a stop at the bottom of the mountain.

I look back, checking whether anyone had followed us, but it was just me, Elion and Keiran.

Elion looks up at me. ' How do you know Keiran?'

' I met him during one of my travels. How do you know him?'

' He's...umm...I never told you this...but...'

Keiran loses his patience. ' He's my brother.'

Wait, what?!

' You have a brother?!'

' He already left to New Voltaria when I met you, so...' Elion looks down.

' Our mother liked staying in Sendaria, but our father grew busier and busier, and had to move to New Voltaria. So I followed him there,' Keiran explains.

That explains why I've never seen him before.

' said you...were hunting someone...' I begin.

' It's a bandit from the Unyielding Legion. Still haven't found him, even after hunting the Unyielding Legion for two years.'

' Wait... You what?' Elion looks surprised.

' I guess no one told you I've been missing for two years,' Keiran glances towards his brother.

' I-I... Why did you...'

' The bandit I'm looking for killed Elena.'

Elion's eyes widen in surprise.

' You remember her, right?' Keiran asks.

' I've been trying to forget,' Elion looks away.

' Who's Elena?' I ask.

' She's-' Keiran begins.

' No one. Just a Sendaris we both knew,' Elion cuts him off.

I raise my eyebrows.



Elion's p.o.v

We set up camp in the middle of nowhere. Nalla lies on her log, asleep.

' So, you never told her anything about me, or Elena?' Keiran asks.

' Stop bringing her up.'

' You still mad at me?'

Of course. How could I not be?

I don't answer him.

' Elena made her choice. You have Nalla now anyway.'

' What?'

' It's pretty obvious: you like her, and don't want her knowing you had any girls before her.'

' I said stop bringing Elena up.'

' Fine,' he walks over to another log.

I sigh. This is possibly the second worst day ever.

/A/N/ Now you know why I said to pretend Keiran's markings weren't familiar: they were similar to Elion's.

Keiran only exists because I couldn't decide whether Elion should be a Voltaris or Sendaris.

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